Dr. Winfred van de Put
Winfred van de Put held the position of director of the Netherlands Institute at Athens from 2014 to 2022. He is a specialist in Attic and Apulian vase-painting, having studied at the University of Amsterdam in the eighties with Professors Hemelrijk and Brijder. He defended his PhD on the development of the iconography on lekythoi at Ghent University in 2012 and taught archaeology at the Universities of Amsterdam, Ghent and Nijmegen (Radboud) from 2005 to 2013. In 2013-2014 he briefly held a position of curator at the Allard Pierson Museum, for which he wrote two fascicles of the Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum (3 and 4, comprising all the lekythoi of the museum). He participated in field-work in Lakonia, Carthage, Sozopol (Apollonia Pontica), Boeotia, Thorikos and Halos, mostly involved in finds processing. He is member of the editorial board of Pharos.
Books by Winfred van de Put
Fields, Sherds and Scholars
Recording and Interpreting Survey Ceramics
Edited by Anna Meens, Margarita Nazou, Winfred van de Put | 2023
This book is a significant contribution to the field of survey pottery studies, which is not frequently theorised, and could also serve as a guide and provide inspiration to archaeologists designing their own survey projects…