Dr. Nico Staring
Nico Staring is a postdoctoral research fellow (Chargé de recherches) at the F.R.S.-FRNS / Université de Liège (2021-2024). He previously held a postdoctoral fellowship at Leiden University’s Walking Dead project and lectured at KU Leuven University. Staring received his doctorate from Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia.
Books by Nico Staring
Perspectives on Lived Religion II
The Making of a Cultural Geography
Edited by Lara Weiss, Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies | 2022
Ancient Egyptian elites invested immense cultural and economic efforts in preparing for their afterlives. However, the diversity of choices open to them is often overlooked. These choices included tomb size, tomb location, and architectural design,…

Perspectives on Lived Religion
Practices - Transmission - Landscape
Edited by Nico Staring, Huw Twiston Davies and Lara Weiss | 2019
Religion in the ancient world, and ancient Egyptian religion in particular, is often perceived as static, hierarchically organised, and centred on priests, tombs, and temples. Engagement with archaeological and textual evidence dispels these beguiling if…