Anna-Maria Sichani MA
Anna-Maria Sichani is a researcher in Modern Greek Literary Studies and Digital Humanities. She is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Early Stage Researcher affiliated with DiXiT, based at the Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands and she is finishing her PhD at University of Ioannina (Greece).
Her research interests include Modern Greek literary studies, literary history, digital scholarly editing and publishing, cultural and social aspects of transitional media(l) changes, scholarly communication, research infrastructures and digital pedagogy. She has collaborated with a variety of digital editing projects as well as with a number of Digital Humanities positions (King’s Digital Lab, Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (CTB), Transcribe Bentham, DARIAH, Her work has appeared in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, RIDE, Journal of Modern Greek Media and Culture, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, The Book’s Journal.
Books by Anna-Maria Sichani
Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing
Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp
Edited by Peter Boot, Anna Cappellotto, Wout Dillen, Franz Fischer, Aodhán Kelly, Andreas Mertgens, Anna-Maria Sichani, Elena Spadini & Dirk van Hulle | 2017
As the papers in this volume testify, digital scholarly editing is a vibrant practice. Scholarly editing has a long-standing tradition in the humanities. It is of crucial importance within disciplines such as literary studies, philology,…