Prof. Dr. Almut Schülke
Almut Schülke is professor of Nordic Archaeology at the Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo. Her research comprises studies on landscape archaeology, human-environment interaction and social space, mobility, ritual and mortuary practices. Her works on the social dimension of mortuary practices include studies on christianization and grave finds (Southwest Germany) and on megalithic tombs in Neolithic Zealand (Denmark), the latter with focus on different modes of burying the dead as well as the social relations between humans and their surroundings as embedded in megalithic tombs, and on Mesolithic burial and mortuary practices in Norway in a Northern European perspective.
Books by Almut Schülke
Mensch – Körper – Tod
Der Umgang mit menschlichen Überresten im Neolithikum Mitteleuropas
Edited by Nadia Balkowski, Kerstin P. Hofmann, Isabel A. Hohle, Almut Schülke | 2023
Das europäische Neolithikum zeichnet sich durch eine Vielzahl von Umgangsweisen mit menschlichen Körpern von Toten aus. Der archäologische Diskurs zu Mensch, Körper und Tod stützte sich für das Neolithikum traditionell jedoch auf Körperbestattungen. Dies ist…