Prof. dr. Silviane Scharl

Silviane Scharl is Professor for Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Cologne. One focus of her research is on the central European Neolithic, where she has published extensively on networks of innovation and on human mobility (see e.g. Human mobility and the spread of innovations – case studies from Neolithic Central and Southeast Europe. Open Archaeology 9/1, 2023). She has also written an introductory volume on the Neolithic in central Europe (Jungsteinzeit – Wie die Menschen sesshaft wurden, 2021). In her current project, she explores the Late Neolithic in the Rhineland in western Germany.

Books by Silviane Scharl

The eve of destruction?

Local groups and large-scale networks during the late fourth and early third millennium BC in central Europe

Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Doris Mischka & Silviane Scharl | Forthcoming

This volume collects papers on the pre-Corded Ware horizon in central Europe and adjacent areas (i.e. from c. 3500 – 2800 BC). This phase is very patchily researched, partly also because certain kinds of evidence,…

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