Anna E. Reuter
Anna E. Reuter is a public relations officer at the Collaborative Research Centre 1266 and a postdoctoral researcher in the field of archaeobotany at the Institute for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Kiel University (Germany). Her scientific research specialises in archaeobotany and focuses primarily on the Byzantine Empire, especially Southeast Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean region. Her scientific interests centre on the interaction between humans and their environment. Her focus is on the transformation of subsistence strategies against the background of the socio-economic situation of a society. The development and answering of socio-cultural and socio-economic questions as well as the development and application of innovative methods in local, regional and supra-regional contexts play a special role in her scientific research. She studied Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology, Zoology and Botany and completed her PhD at Kiel University in 2018. Following her studies, she was a scholarship holder and research assistant at the LAIZA Mainz (formerly RGZM) and the CAU Kiel and was involved in various scientific projects.
Her most recent publication is: A.E. Reuter, Einheit in der Vielfalt? Zur Kulturpflanzennutzung im Byzantinischen Reich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung archäobotanischer Untersuchungen in Caričin Grad (Justiniana Prima). Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident, Band 28,1. Auflage 2023, 220 Seiten.
Books by Anna E. Reuter
Alles bleibt anders
Transformationsprozesse in Raum und Zeit
Edited by Wiebke Kirleis, Johannes Müller, Anna E. Reuter | 2024
Keine Gesellschaft lebt ewig. Diese Tatsache mag erst einmal für Aufregung sorgen – dabei stellt dies den normalen Verlauf der Geschichte dar, denn Gesellschaften und ihre Umwelten verändern sich ständig. Transformationen bestimmen, wer wir sind,…