Prof. Dr. Daan Raemaekers

Daan Raemaekers is full professor of archaeology of northwestern Europe at the Groningen Institute of Archaeology, University of Groningen. He obtained his PhD on the role of the Swifterbant culture in the transition to farming in northwestern Europe from Leiden University in 1999. In the period 1998-2002, he worked as project manager at RAAP Archaeological Consultancy and was involved in numerous developer-led projects in the province of Flevoland. He was appointed full professor at the University of Groningen in 2002. His academic work focuses on four interrelated topics: the transition to farming in northwestern Europe, the development of Neolithic societies in this area, the function and meaning of ceramics in this period and the role of prehistory in present-day societies. He has carried out fieldwork at several sites in the Swifterbant region and near megalithic tombs. He is the principal investigator of the project The Emergence of Domesticated Animals in the Netherlands (EDAN), financed by the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research NWO (2020-2022).
Key publications
Demirci, O., Lucquin, A., Çakirlar, C., Craig, O. E., & Raemaekers, D. C. M. (2021). Lipid residue analysis on Swifterbant pottery (c. 5000-3800 cal BC) in the Lower Rhine-Meuse area (the Netherlands) and its implications for human-animal interactions in relation to the Neolithisation process. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 36, 102812.
D.C.M. Raemaekers, L. Kubiak-Martens, T.F.M. Oudemans, 2013. New food in old Pots – charred organic residues in Early Neolithic ceramic vessels from Swifterbant, the Netherlands (4300-4000 cal. BC), Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 43(3), 315-334.
Schepers, M., J.F. Scheepens, R.T.J. Cappers, O.F.R. van Tongeren, D.C.M. Raemaekers & R.M. Bekker, 2013. An objective method based on assemblages of subfossil plantmacro-remains to reconstruct past natural vegetation: a casestudy at Swifterbant, The Netherlands, Vegetation History and Archaeobotany 22(3), 243-255.
Huisman, D.J., A.G. Jongmans en D.C.M. Raemaekers, 2009. Investigating Neolithic land use in Swifterbant (NL) using micromorphological techniques, Catena 78, 185-197.
Cappers, R.T.J. & D.C.M. Raemaekers, 2008. Cereal cultivation at Swifterbant? Neolithic Wetland Farming on the North European Plain, Current Anthropology 49(3), 385-402.
External link: Daan Raemaekers's profile
Books by Daan Raemaekers
Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument
A TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC
Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022
In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…

Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument - Catalogue
Catalogue of a TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC
Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022
In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…

Resurfacing the submerged past
Prehistoric archaeology and landscapes of the Flevoland Polders, the Netherlands
Edited by Hans Peeters, Laura Kooistra, Daan Raemaekers, Bjørn Smit & Karen Waugh † | 2021
The Netherlands are internationally renowned for the archaeology of its wetland environments. The reclamation of the Flevoland Polders in the early half of the 20th century not only exposed hundreds of shipwrecks, but also remnants…