Dr. M.E. Porqueddu

Marie-Elise Porqueddu is a PhD in Prehistory and a post-doctoral researcher at the École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques, Casa de Velázquez (Spain). Her research focuses on carving savoir-faire and Neolithic underground architectures (mining sites and rock-cut tombs) in the Western Mediterranean.
Current affiliation 2022-2023: Scientific member (post-doctoral) at the École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques, Casa de Velázquez (Spain) / Researcher affiliated to Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, Minist Culture, LAMPEA, Aix-en-Provence (France)
Past affiliation 2020-2022: Experimental Laboratory LAEX of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain), Fyssen Foundation post-doctoral grant.
Key publications:- Porqueddu, M.E., Bailly, M., Margarit, X., Fallavollita, P. and Melis, M.G. 2021. From Surfaces to Tools: Traceology and Experimental Analysis of Digging Techniques of Mediterranean Rock-Cut Tombs. In: C. Sciuto, A. Lamesa, K. Whitaker, A. Yamaç eds. Carved in Stone. The archaeology of rock-cut sites and stone quarries. Oxford: BAR Publishing, pp.9-22.
- Porqueddu, M.E. 2019. De l’outil à la représentation du collectif ? Le dépôt du macro-outillage de creusement dans les cavités artificielles funéraires au Néolithique. Techniques & Culture, online. http://journals.openedition.org/tc/10786
- Porqueddu, M.E. 2018. Bâtir sous terre : Architectures et techniques des sépultures collectives hypogées de Méditerranée occidentale à la fin de la Préhistoire. Unpublished PhD Thesis, Aix-Marseille Université, Università di Sassari https://www.theses.fr/2018AIXM0347
- Porqueddu, M.E. 2016. Lo studio delle tecniche di escavazione degli ipoegi funerari preistorici: un nuovo approccio metodologico a S’Elighe Entosu. In: M.G. Melis ed. Usini. Nuove ricerche a S’Elighe Entosu, Quaderni del LaPArS, pp.139-171.
Melis, M.G. and Porqueddu, M.E. 2015. New documentation on digging techniques of the prehistoric funerary hypogea of the western Mediterranean. Origini XXXVII, pp.129-150.
Books by M.E. Porqueddu
From Quarries to Rock-cut Sites
Echoes of Stone Crafting
Edited by A. Lamesa, K. Whitaker, G. Gattiglia, C. Sciuto & M.E. Porqueddu | 2023
The archaeological study of quarries focuses mainly on the reconstruction of the extraction process, while rock-hewn spaces have often been approached from the point of view of architectural styles or art-history. Nevertheless, a holistic structural…