Dr. Johan Picardt

Born in 1600, Johan Picardt attended the schola classica in Steinfurt between 1610 and 1620. Following his education in Steinfurt where he graduated cum laude he went to the academy at Franeker to study theology. He remained there for two years after which he moved to Leiden University in 1622. He graduated in theology in 1623 and became a minister in Egmond aan Zee, a position which he held untill 1642. In this period Picardt also read medicine at Leiden University and received his docterate in this field in 1628.
In 1642 Picardt moved to the northern Netherlands and became a minister in Rolde. In 1648 he became the prime minister of Coevorden, a position which he held until his death in 1670. In his years in Drenthe Picardt became fascinated by the many ancient landmarks that could still be seen in the land he crossed daily. His research into the nature of these barrows, celtic fields and megalithic tombs culminated in the publication of his most famous book “Korte beschyvinge van eenige vergetene en verborgene Antiquiteten”. This book became the first book about the history of the northern Netherlands in general, and about its archaeological remains in specific. As such Picardt is seen as the founding father of Dutch archaeology.
For more information (in Dutch) also see the Johan Picardt project page
Books by Johan Picardt
Korte Beschryvinge van eenige Vergetene en Verborgene ANTIQUITETEN Der Provintien en Landen gelegen tusschen de Noord-Zee, de Yssel, Emse en Lippe
Johan Picardt | 2008
In 1660 verscheen één van de eerste overzichtswerken over de (voor)geschiedenis van Noord-Nederland, Johan Picardts ‘Korte Beschryvinge Van eenige Vergetene en Verborgene Antiquiteten’. De auteur behandelt in zijn driedelige studie tal van onderwerpen, zoals…