Dr. Lucas P. Petit

Lucas Petit is head of collections and research of the Dutch National Museum of Antiquities. He has held positions at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main and at Leiden University. In recent decades he has been involved in various archaeological fieldwork projects in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. He is currently co-directing the renewed excavations at Tell Damiyah in Jordan. He has written and edited several volumes, including Oursi hu-beero, Het Nabije Oosten, Settlement Dynamics in the Middle Jordan Valley and A Timeless Vale.
Books by Lucas P. Petit
Hoofdstad van een wereldrijk
Onder redactie van Lucas P. Petit & Daniele Morandi Bonacossi | 2017
“Wel, wat Nineveh betreft, schipper, dat is lang geleden weggevaagd. Alle sporen zijn verdwenen en het is onmogelijk te raden waar het lag.” – Lucianus Nineveh, de machtige hoofdstad van het Assyrische rijk, fascineerde klassieke…

Nineveh, the Great City
Symbol of Beauty and Power
Edited by Lucas P. Petit, & Daniele Morandi Bonacossi | 2017
‘Well, as for Nineveh, skipper, it was wiped out long ago. There’s not a trace of it left, and one can’t even guess where it was’ (Lucian, 2nd century AD). Nineveh, the once-flourishing capital of…

Oursi Hu-Beero
A Medieval House Complex in Burkina Faso, West Africa
Edited by Lucas P. Petit, Maya von Czerniewicz & Christoph Pelzer | 2011
This final report describes the study of an exceptionally well-preserved Iron Age building discovered in northern Burkina Faso, West Africa. The site of Oursi hu-beero, meaning “the big house of Oursi” in the locally spoken…