Dr. Roeland Paardekooper

Roeland Paardekooper was born 1970 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. At an early age he became interested in archaeological open-air museums and experimental archaeology. He has organised several international conferences and field trips and has visited over 100 archaeological open-air museums across Europe.
Paardekooper is cofounder and current director of EXARC, an organisation affiliated to the International Museum Federation ICOM. EXARC’s themes are archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology and interpretation. EXARC and counts 200 members in over 30 countries by end 2013.
In 1997 Paardekooper received his MA at Leiden University (Prehistory of Europe), in 2012 he got his PhD at the University of Exeter, where he looked into archaeological open-air museums. In 2012 Paardekooper was knighted in the Order of Orange Nassau for his work for archaeological open-air museums at international level as well as for his volunteer work for several organisations. He is currently the interim director at the Archäologisches Freilichtmuseum Oerlinghausen, Germany.
Books by Roeland Paardekooper
Experiments Past
Histories of Experimental Archaeology
Edited by Jodi Reeves Flores & Roeland Paardekooper | 2014
With Experiments Past the important role that experimental archaeology has played in the development of archaeology is finally uncovered and understood. Experimental archaeology is a method to attempt to replicate archaeological artefacts and/or processes to…

The Value of an Archaeological Open-Air Museum is in its Use
Understanding Archaeological Open-Air Museums and their Visitors
Roeland Paardekooper | 2013
There are about 300 archaeological open-air museums in Europe. Their history goes from Romanticism up to modern-day tourism. With the majority dating to the past 30 years, they do more than simply present (re)constructed outdoor…