Dr. Welmoed A. Out
After studying Biology, Welmoed Out completed a thesis in Archaeology about plant exploitation and the introduction of arable farming in Dutch wetlands during 5500-3400 cal BC. She gained further experience in Archaeobotany in both academic and commercial settings. During 2011-213, she works as a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher in Archaeobotany on the identification of non-dietary cereal products by phytolith analysis.
Books by Welmoed A. Out
Van planten en slakken / Of Plants and Snails
A collection of papers presented to Wim Kuijper in gratitude for forty years of teaching and identifying
Edited by Corrie Bakels, Kelly Fennema, Welmoed A. Out & Caroline Vermeeren | 2010
Dit boek bevat vierentwintig wetenschappelijke artikelen over planten en mollusken, geschreven door achtendertig collega’s en oudleerlingen van Wim Kuijper. Het merendeel van deze artikelen behandelt één of enkele soorten gevonden bij archeologische opgravingen, van bolderik…