Dr. Maria Ntinou

Maria Ntinou is Assistant Professor at the Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. Her field of expertise is Anthracology (the analysis and interpretation of wood charcoal macro-remains). She participates in international research projects in Greece and Cyprus. Her research interests are prehistory, archaeobotany, vegetation history, woodland management by the prehistoric societies and the formation of the anthropogenic landscapes.

Books by Maria Ntinou

Cooking with plants in ancient Europe and beyond

Interdisciplinary approaches to the archaeology of plant foods

Edited by Soultana Maria Valamoti, Anastasia Dimoula & Maria Ntinou | 2022

Plants have constituted the basis of human subsistence. This volume focuses on plant food ingredients that were consumed by the members of past societies and on the ways these ingredients were transformed into food. The…

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