Dr. Stuart Needham

Stuart Needham, formerly curator of the European Bronze Age at The British Museum, is now an independent researcher and Honorary Research Fellow of Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales. Amongst his recent publications are Encompassing the sea: ‘Maritories’ and Bronze Age maritime interactions (in Bronze Age Connections: Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, Oxbow), Claimed by the Sea: Salcombe, Langdon Bay and other marine finds of the Bronze Age (Council for British Archaeology, Research Report 173), The lost cultures of the halberd-bearers (in Celtic from the West 3, Oxbow).
Books by Stuart Needham
Barrows at the core of Bronze Age Communities
Petersfield Heath excavations 2014–18 in their regional context
Stuart Needham & George Anelay | 2021
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities argues exactly that. Round barrows do not just represent the death side of Early Bronze Age communities placed in set-a-side ritual landscapes, but were instead central to…

Barrows at the core of Bronze Age Communities
Supplementary Material
Stuart Needham & George Anelay | 2021
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities argues exactly that. Round barrows do not just represent the death side of Early Bronze Age communities placed in set-a-side ritual landscapes, but were instead central to…