Dr. Faidon Moudopoulos-Athanasiou
Faidon Moudopoulos-Athanasiou graduated from the Department of History and Archaeology at the University of Crete in 2013. He completed his MA in Aegean Archaeology at the University of Sheffield (2014) focussing on the Bronze Age of the montane landscapes of Epirus. In 2016 he obtained an MA in Heritage Management from the University of Kent and the Athens University Business School. For this MA he received a research grant from the Piraeus Group Cultural Foundation and his thesis concerned the design of heritage education programs. In 2017 he won a White Rose College for the Arts and Humanities (WRoCAH – AHRC) competition award for his proposal to study the archaeology of early-modern Zagori (NW Greece) and began at the University of Sheffield his PhD research, which he completed in 2021. Throughout his PhD, he remained a Scholar of the A.G. Leventis Foundation, which also sponsored his research.
He has studied and worked in various European and US academic environments. In 2012 he studied for a semester in the Université Lumière Lyon 2 and partook in landscape archaeology fieldwork at Mont Bégo with the Paris Institute of Palaeoanthropology (Erasmus scheme). In 2016 he worked for three months at the Römisch-Germanisches Museum in Cologne (Erasmus Plus scheme) and in January – March 2019 he was a visiting scholar at Brown University (Research Employability Project (WRoCAH – AHRC). The period of his PhD research coincided with the bid of the Greek Ministry of Culture to inscribe Zagori in the World Heritage List as a Cultural Landscape and he was an academic consultant in this endeavour.
Key Publications
Edited Volume
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou, F. (ed.), 2022. Ἐν Ἀρτσίστῃ τῇ… Μια ορεινή κοινότητα ανάμεσα σε παρελθόν και μέλλον. Αθήνα: Εταιρεία Σύγχρονης Ιστορίας.
Peer-Reviewed Articles in Edited Volumes and Journals
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou F. and Sklavounos I., 2022. Walking the Kalderimi: Embodied Knowledge and Heritage Narratives in a Participatory Building Workshop at Zagori (NW Greece). In Svensson D, Sörlin, S, Saltzman, K. (eds.) Pathways: Exploring the Routes of a Movement Heritage. Cambridge: White Horse Press.
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou F. (et al.), 2022. ‘Around the hut’: An archaeological ethnography of a shepherd’s hut in Konitsa (NW Greece). Post-Medieval Archaeology.
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou F. 2020. Woodland Values in Zagori, NW Greece (19th – 21st Century): Between Heritage and History. Plural, 8(2): 107-123.
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou F. 2020. The Ruins of Others: Aspects of the Ottoman Heritage of Konitsa (NW Greece). Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 38(2): 371-379.
Moudopoulos-Athanasiou F. 2019. Impossible is nothing (unless otherwise stated): Balancing between memory and art in Parko Eleftherias and the Polytechneio. Journal of Modern Greek Media and Culture 5.2: 185-209.
Books by Faidon Moudopoulos-Athanasiou
The early modern Zagori of Northwest Greece
An interdisciplinary archaeological inquiry into a montane cultural landscape
Faidon Moudopoulos-Athanasiou | 2022
Landscape-archaeology projects have had a significant impact on our understanding of the deep history of the Greek countryside, but have overwhelmingly been limited to the plains and have rarely placed the Ottoman period at their…