Sol Mallía-Guest

Sol Mallía-Guest is a current PhD candidate at UCD School of Archaeology, exploring the role of flint artefacts in the Irish Neolithic from a comprehensive biographical approach, merging technological and use-wear analyses. Her current research builds on her MA work (UCD, 2011) that revealed the intricate life-paths of ‘everyday’ flint tools from Irish Early Neolithic rectangular timber houses. Trained as a lithics specialist and introduced to experimental and use-wear studies in Argentina (UBA; INAPL; CADIC-CONICET), she initially developed an interest in the significance of stone for early farming communities facing environmental risk and uncertainty. She has been involved in research for over 15 years both in academic and large-scale development projects, from rockshelters in the southern Argentinian Puna to prehistoric settlements and portal tombs in the eastern lowlands and the west coast of Ireland.
Books by Sol Mallía-Guest
Cultures of Stone
An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Materiality of Stone
Edited by Gabriel Cooney, Bernard Gilhooly, Niamh Kelly & Sol Mallía-Guest | 2020
This volume establishes a rich cross-disciplinary dialogue about the significance of stone in society across time and space. The material properties of stone have ensured its continuing importance; however, it is its materiality which has…