Dr. Nadia Licitra
Nadia Licitra is an archaeologist, post-doc fellow of CRAterre (AE&CC/ENSAG/UGA) and associated member of UMR 8167 Orient & Méditerranée of CNRS. She obtained her PhD degree in Egyptology in 2014 (Paris-Sorbonne University) and has been Head of the mission of the Treasury of Shabaqo in Karnak (UMR 8167/CFEETK) since 2008. She has participated and continues to be involved in several archaeological missions in Italy, Egypt and Sudan. Her research focuses mainly on building techniques and materials of Nile Valley earthen architecture and storage architecture. Along with Adeline Bats, she founded in 2019 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan.
Books by Nadia Licitra
Storage in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Earthen architecture and building techniques
Edited by Adeline Bats & Nadia Licitra | 2023
In 2020 and 2021 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan organised two online workshops focusing on earthen storage buildings in ancient Egypt and Nubia. Following these two meetings, the nine contributions…