Prof. dr. Anne Lehoërff
Anne Lehoërff is an archaeologist, archaeometallurgist and historian. She has an “agréation” in history, was member of the Ecole française de Rome, and director of the European ‘BOAT 1550’ project (2011-2015) investigating cross-channel navigation between the continent and the British Isles in the second millennium BC. Until 2020 Anne Lehoërff was a university professor at the university of Lille. She is now professor of ‘Archaeology and Patrimony’ at the University of CY Cergy Paris-Université, specialising in the European Bronze Age. She has studied and analysed hundreds of weapons throughout Europe, culminating in this book about the origins of war in Europe from the perspective of the sword. Anne Lehoërff continues to work on the Bronze Age, and more generally on European Protohistory from the Neolithic to the Iron Age.
Recent books:- 2021: Dictionnaire amoureux de l’archéologie, Paris, Plon, 596 p.
- 2020: Le Néolithique, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, Collection « Que Sais-je », 128 p.
- 2019: L’archéologie, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, Collection « Que Sais-je », 128 p.
- 2018: Par les armes. Le jour où l’homme inventa la guerre, Paris, Belin
- 2017: (éd.), Movement, Exchange and Identity in Europe in the 2nd and 1st Millennia BC. Beyond Frontiers, Oxford, Oxbow Books, 2017 [with Marc Talon], 304 p.
- 2016 : Préhistoires d’Europe. De Neandertal à Vercingétorix. –40 000/–52, Paris, Belin, 608 p.
- 2012 (dir.) : Beyond Horizon. Societies of the Channel and North Sea 3500 years ago, Paris, Somogy, [with the collaboration of Jean Bourgeois, Peter Clark, Marc talon].
Books by Anne Lehoërff
Archéologie en musée et identités nationales en Europe (1848-1914)
Un héritage en quête de nouveaux défis au 21e siècle
Edited by Catherine Louboutin & Anne Lehoërff | 2024
Des spécialistes de l’ensemble de l’Europe décrivent les enjeux politiques et scientifiques auxquelles a présidé la fondation des musées d’archéologie entre 1848 et 1914. Au travers de personnalités éminentes, le livre restitue un tour d’horizon…

A Call to Arms
The day war was invented
Anne Lehoërff | 2022
One day, sometime around 1700 BC, a bronzesmith made the first sword. This marked a technological turning point, giving rise to an arms race that has never since ceased. Soon, over a vast area between…