Maikel H.G. Kuijpers Mphil

Maikel Kuijpers studied prehistoric archaeology at Leiden University. In 2009 Maikel was awarded a PhD position at Cambridge University. His research proposal on the identity of the bronze smith is deemed qualified by a board of Bronze Age experts. He will be participating in the Forging Identities project; an international project on Bronze Age mobility for which ten PhD’s and four post-docs have been appointed. Maikel’s research will involve the chemical analysis (ICP-MS) of (Early) Bronze Age bone material in order to determine the quantities of heavy metal present. High amounts of arsenic, copper or lead may be expected and hence would provide empirical evidence that the person was involved in mining or smelting activities.
Click here for a more detailed description of Maikel Kuijpers’ PhD research.
External link: Maikel H.G. Kuijpers's profile
Books by Maikel H.G. Kuijpers
Bronze Age Metalworking in the Netherlands (c.2000-800BC)
A research into the preservation of metallurgy related artefacts and the social position of the smith
Maikel H.G. Kuijpers | 2008
Almost fifty years ago J.J. Butler started his research to trace the possible remains of a Bronze Age metalworkers workshop in the Netherlands. Yet, while metalworking has been deduced on the ground of the existence…