Dr. S.J. Kluiving

Sjoerd Kluiving is an Associate Professor in Geoarchaeology and Anthropocene Sciences, with a special interest in Environmental Humanities. As a geologist and physical geographer involved in applying earth sciences to archaeology in interdisciplinary research and teaching, with emphasis on the Anthropocene. Project management in (field-based) evaluation of archaeological monuments, extensive teaching and research experience and initiator and project manager of involving cultural history in planning processes.
Sjoerd leads the newly established Environmental Humanities Center at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and the International Association of Landscape Archaeology (IALA), uniting global geologists, archaeologists and historians. Sjoerd is (co-) supervising a growing body of PhD students in the field of landscape archaeology on the interface of archaeology, ecology and the earth sciences. Sjoerd has a special interest in accelerating the current societal transition and is project coordinator of TERRANOVA (EU- Horizon2020) steering 15 PhD candidates in a landscape-based response to one of the main challenges of our time.
Key publications:
Kluiving, S.J. (2020). Heritage and Landscapes. In The Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences, S.L. López Varela (Ed.). doi:10.1002/9781119188230.saseas0280
Kluiving, S.J, Durcan, J.A, Bebermeier, W., Inglis, R. Heyvaert, V.M.A., Howard, A., Shillito, L-M. 2019 Geoarchaeology: Human adaptation to landscape changes, landscape resilience to human impact and integrating palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records, Quaternary International, Volume 501, Part B, 2019, P 269-271, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.02.007.
Kluiving, S.J., Aalbersberg, G., Van Balen, R., & Kasse, C. (2018). Glacial geology of Saalian relief around Midwolda, eastern Groningen, the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 97(4), 261-282. doi:10.1017/njg.2018.16
Kluiving, S. J., Kootker, L. M., & Hermans, R. A. E. (2017). Interdisciplinarity between science and humanities. Sidestone Press.
Kluiving, S.J. & Guttmann 2012 (eds.) in press, E.G.B. Landscape Archaeology between Art and Science, Landscape & Heritage Series. Amsterdam University Press. http://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/34524
Books by S.J. Kluiving
Environmental humanities: a rethinking of landscape archaeology?
Interdisciplinary academic research related to different perspectives of landscapes
Edited by S.J. Kluiving, K. Liden, C. Fredengren | 2021
There has been an increasing archaeological interest in human-animal-nature relations, where archaeology has shifted from a focus on deciphering meaning, or understanding symbols and the social construction of the landscape to an acknowledgement of how…