Dr. Victor Klinkenberg

Victor Klinkenberg is post-doctoral fellow at the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus. He investigates social structures in the past through the analysis of the construction and use of domestic space. He specializes in techniques from digital archaeology (3D GIS, spatial analysis) and geoarchaeology (micromorphology). His PhD was on reconstructing activities at the LBA settlement at Tell Sabi Abyad, Syria, part of the ERC project Consolidating Empire (dunnu.nl). Afterwards he held a post-doc research position, and a lectureship teaching in the BA and MA Archaeology at Leiden University.
As a post-doctoral fellow at the Archaeological Research Unit of the University of Cyprus, Victor uses micromorphology and spatial analysis to investigate changes in building technology in relation to societal change in Chalcolithic Cyprus. The main focus in this research is on buildings from the excavation at Chlorakas-Palloures, of which Victor is field director (palloures.eu). Victor remains associated with Leiden University as series editor of the APL book series of the Faculty of Archaeology, published at Sidestone Press.
Selected publications
- Klinkenberg, V. & Düring, B.S. in press: Middle Assyrian Cuneiform Tablet clusters: Archives or Rubbish? Journal for Cuneiform Studies.
- Düring, B.S., V. Klinkenberg, E. Souter, P. Croft & M. Gamble 2023: The 2015-2017 Excavations at the Chalcolithic Site of Chlorakas-Palloures on Cyprus. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 23, 1: 165-198.
- Klinkenberg, V. & Düring, B.S. 2022: Inequalities Before the Bronze Age, the Case of Chalcolithic Cyprus. Oxford Journal of Archaeology.
- Klinkenberg, V. 2022: Building Biographies of the Cypriot Chalcolithic. Levant. DOI: 10.1080/00758914.2022.2140975
- Mickleburgh, H.L., D.J. Wescott. S. Gluschitz & V. Klinkenberg 2022: Exploring the use of actualistic forensic taphonomy in the study of (forensic) archaeological human burials: An actualistic experimental research programme at the Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State University. In: The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology / [ed] Christopher J. Knüsel; Eline M. J. Schotsmans, London: Routledge, 2022, p. 546-566
- Klinkenberg, V. 2021: Building Function through Micromorphology of Floors at Chalcolithic Chlorakas-Palloures, Cyprus. In: Amadio, M. (ed.) 2021. Archaeology in the Smallest Realm. Micro analyses and methods for the reconstruction of Cyprus early societies. Artemide Edizioni, Roma
- Klinkenberg, V. 2020: Talking Trash, Reconstructing activities, discard and abandonment at LBA Tell Sabi Abyad (Syria). In: A. Blanco-González & T.L. Kienlin (eds.) Current approaches to tells in the prehistoric Old World. Oxbow, Oxford Sifogeorgaki, E., V.
- Klinkenberg, I. Esteban; M. Murungi; A.S. Carr; V.B. van den Brink, G.L. Dusseldorp 2020: New excavations at Umhlatuzana rockshelter KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa: A stratigraphical and taphonomical evaluation. African Archaeological Review 37, 551–578
- Klinkenberg, V., R. van Oosten & C. van Driel (eds.) 2020. A Human Environment, Studies in honour of 20 years of Analecta editorship by Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels. Analecta Praehistorica Leidensia 50. Sidestone press, Leiden
Books by Victor Klinkenberg
Digital Archaeology
Promises and Impasses
Edited by Tuna Kalaycı, Karsten Lambers & Victor Klinkenberg | 2023
Archaeology has gone digital for some time now! Topics such as GIS databases, 3D models, drone photography, meta- and para-data, semantic mapping, text mining, simulation, and social network analysis have become commonplace in archaeological discourse…

A Human Environment
Studies in honour of 20 years Analecta editorship by prof. dr. Corrie Bakels
Edited by Victor Klinkenberg, Roos van Oosten & Carol van Driel-Murray | 2020
This volume is themed around the interdependent relationship between humans and the environment, an important topic in the work of Corrie Bakels. How do environmental constraints and opportunities influence human behaviour and what is the…

Constructing monuments, perceiving monumentality and the economics of building
Theoretical and methodological approaches to the built environment
Edited by Ann Brysbaert, Victor Klinkenberg, Anna Gutiérrez Garcia-M., Irene Vikatou | 2018
In many societies monuments are associated with dynamic socio-economic and political processes that these societies underwent and/or instrumentalised. Due to the often large human and other resources input involved in their construction and maintenance, such…