Aodhán Kelly MA
Aodhán Kelly is a PhD student at the Centre for Manuscript Genetics at the University of Antwerp and one of the Early Stage Researchers within the DiXiT Network. His doctoral research is on the dissemination of digital scholarly editions to broader audiences. Aodhán holds a BA in History and Economics as well as an MLitt in History from Maynooth University in Ireland and worked for several years in digital publishing in the UK.
Books by Aodhán Kelly
Advances in Digital Scholarly Editing
Papers presented at the DiXiT conferences in The Hague, Cologne, and Antwerp
Edited by Peter Boot, Anna Cappellotto, Wout Dillen, Franz Fischer, Aodhán Kelly, Andreas Mertgens, Anna-Maria Sichani, Elena Spadini & Dirk van Hulle | 2017
As the papers in this volume testify, digital scholarly editing is a vibrant practice. Scholarly editing has a long-standing tradition in the humanities. It is of crucial importance within disciplines such as literary studies, philology,…