Dr. Bjørn Smit

Bjørn Ivar Smit is senior researcher archaeology at Cultural heritage Agency of the Netherlands. He studied and obtained his PhD at the Institute of Archaeology at the University of Groningen and has worked for one of the larger archaeological companies (RAAP Archaeological Consultancy) in the Netherlands. His work at the Cultural Heritage Agency at is directed at the archaeological heritage management in the Netherlands. He focusses on early prehistory, palaeogeography and palaoelandscapes, drowned landscapes, predictive modelling, general heritage management/legislation on- and off shore and the formulation of knowledge strategies for the Cultural Heritage Agency.
Key publications
Dekker,J. V. Sinet-Mathiot, M. Spithoven, B. Smit, A. Wilcke, F. Welker, A. Verpoorte, M. Soressi 2021: Human and cervid osseous materials used for barbed point manufacture in Mesolithic Doggerland, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, Volume 35, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2020.102678.
Janssen, J. B. Smit, N. Wijsbek & R. van Lanen 2021: Koersen op kennis Verkenning naar de kennisfunctie van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed, Amersfoort.
J. Bazelmans, E. Beukers, O. Brinkkemper, I.M.M. van der Jagt, E. Rensink, B.I. Smit & M. Walrecht 2020:Tot op het bot onderzocht. Essays ter ere van archeozoöloog Roel Lauwerier, Amersfoort Nederlandse archeologische Rapporten.
Smit, B.I., J. Bazelmans, T. de Groot, D. Schmutzhart, M. Linssen, J. Bouwmeester, J. Jongma, A. Klomp, L. Theunissen, M. ter Schegget, J. Schreurs en M. Verschuur, 2019: In situ 2100. De betekenins en vormgeving van de beschermingen van archeologische vindplaatsen, Amersfoort.
R.C.G.M. Lauwerier, M.C. Eerden, B.J. Groenewoudt, M.A. Lascaris, E. Rensink, B.I. Smit, B.P. Speleers & J. van Doesburg 2017: Knowledge for Informed Choices. Tools for more effective and efficient selection of valuable archaeology in the Netherlands, Amersfoort, Nederlandse archeologische Rapporten 55.
R.C.G.M. Lauwerier, M.C. Eerden, B.J. Groenewoudt, M.A. Lascaris, E. Rensink, B.I. Smit, B.P. Speleers & J. Van Doesburg, 2017 A toolbox for archaeological heritage management. Maps, methods and more for effective and efficient selection of valuable archaeology, in: A. Degraeve (ed): Dare to Choose. Making Choices in Archaeological Heritage Management, Namur: Europae Archaeologia Consilium (EAC) (EAC Occasional Paper 13), 55-62.
L. Amkreutz, F. Brounen, J. Deeben, R. Machiels, M.-F. van Oorsouw & B. Smit (eds.) 2016: Vuursteen verzameld: over het zoeken en onderzoeken van steentijd vondsten en -vindplaatsen, Amersfoort (Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 50).
Van der Plicht, J., L.W.S.W. Amkreutz, M.J.L.Th. Niekus, J.H.M. Peeters & B.I. Smit 2016: Surf’n turf in Doggerland: dating, stable isotopes and diet of Mesolithic human remains from the southern North Sea, Journal of Archaeological Science Reports 10, 110-118.
Smit, B.I. O. Brinkkemper, J. Kleijne, R. Lauwerier & L. Theunisen 2012: A kaleidoscope of gathering at Keinsmerbrug (the Netherlands) : Late Neolithic behavioural variabiltity in a dynamic landscape, Amersfoort (Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 43)
External link: Bjørn Smit's Academia.edu profile
Books by Bjørn Smit
Resurfacing the submerged past
Prehistoric archaeology and landscapes of the Flevoland Polders, the Netherlands
Edited by Hans Peeters, Laura Kooistra, Daan Raemaekers, Bjørn Smit & Karen Waugh † | 2021
The Netherlands are internationally renowned for the archaeology of its wetland environments. The reclamation of the Flevoland Polders in the early half of the 20th century not only exposed hundreds of shipwrecks, but also remnants…