Prof. dr. Corinne L. Hofman

Corinne L. Hofman is Professor of Caribbean Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, the Netherlands. She has conducted fieldwork – together with Dr. Menno Hoogland – in many of the Caribbean islands over the past 30 years.
Her research and publications are highly multi-disciplinary and major themes of interest center around mobility and exchange, colonial encounters, inter-cultural dynamics, settlement archaeology, artefact analyses, and provenance studies. Her projects are designed to contribute to the historical awareness, preservation and valorization of indigenous heritage.
Hofman has obtained numerous research grants from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the Humanities in the European Research Area (HERA), and the European Research Council (ERC), as well as prestigious prizes. She is the PI of the NWO-Island Networks project and the ERC-Synergy NEXUS1492 project.
She is the author of many articles, book chapters and edited volumes on Caribbean archaeology. Her two most recent books are Managing our Past into the Future (with Jay B. Haviser), Sidestone Press 2015 and The Caribbean Before Columbus (with William F. Keegan), Oxford University Press 2017.
External link: Corinne L. Hofman's personal homepage
Books by Corinne L. Hofman
Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean
Dearchaizing the Archaic
Edited by Corinne L. Hofman and Andrzej T. Antczak | 2019
Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean: Dearchaizing the Archaic offers a comprehensive coverage of the most recent advances in interdisciplinary research on the early human settling of the Caribbean islands. It covers the time span…

Saba's first inhabitants
A story of 3300 years of Amerindian occupation prior to European contact (1800 BC - AD 1492)
Corinne L. Hofman & Menno M.L.P Hoogland | 2016
This book tells the story of the indigenous inhabitants of Saba prior to European colonization, based on 30 years of archaeological research conducted by Leiden University in collaboration with the government and people of Saba.…

Managing our past into the future
Archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean
Edited by Corinne L. Hofman & Jay B. Haviser | 2015
Caribbean archaeological heritage is threatened by natural impacts but also increasingly by economic developments, often resulting from the tourist industry. The continuous construction of specific projects for tourists, accompanied by illegal practices such as looting…

Communities in Contact
Essays in archaeology, ethnohistory and ethnography of the Amerindian circum-Caribbean
Edited by Corinne L. Hofman & Anne van Duijvenbode | 2011
Communities in Contact represents the outcome of the fourth international Leiden in the Caribbean congress entitled From Prehistory to Ethnography in the circum-Caribbean. The contributions included in this volume cover a wide range of topics…