Dr. Lamys Hachem

Lamys Hachem graduated with a Ph.D. in archelogy from the Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne where she also has been teaching for several years. She is currently a senior researcher in archeozoology and pre-history at the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), the largest French center for archaeological research and one of the largest in Europe.
Within the team Trajectoires « De la sédentarisation à l’Etat » (UMR 8215 of CNRS) she has focused her research on the societies of the Early, Middle and Final Neolithic period, particularly in the northern half of France where she has led teams performing preventive archaeological excavations for more than two decades. She has performed pionneering zooarchaeology research leading to understanding the customs and evolution of animal and hunting, the chronological evolution of feeding, the internal analysis of habitats (houses, villages), and the characterization of animal deposits in enclosures.
Key Literature
HACHEM L., MAIGROT Y. (2019) ‒ Faune et travail des matières osseuses dans les enceintes du Néolithique Moyen II du Bassin parisien, in F. Bostyn, Hamon C., Salavert A., et Giligny F. (dir.), L’exploitation du milieu au Néolithique dans le quart nord-ouest de l’Europe : contraintes environnementales, identités techniques et choix culturels, Société Préhistorique Française p. 95 117.
HACHEM L. (2018) ‒ Animals in LBK society: Identity and gender markers, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 20, p. 910 921.
GOMART L., HACHEM L., HAMON C., GILIGNY F., ILETT M. (2015) ‒ Household integration in Neolithic villages: a new model for the Linear Pottery Culture in west-central Europe, Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, 40, p. 230–249.
HACHEM L. (2013) ‒ Archéo animaux : l’incroyable histoire de l’archéologie des animaux. Illustrations d’Hélène Georges, Paris, Coédition Actes Sud Junior-Inrap, 88 p.
HACHEM L. (2011) ‒ Les faunes du Néolithique moyen dans le Nord de la France : bilan et pistes de recherches, in F. Bostyn, E. Martial, et I. Praud (dir.), Habitat et économie aux 4e et 3e millénaires avant notre ère, Revue Archéologique de Picardie. Numéro spécial p. 313–329.
HACHEM L. (2011) ‒ Le site néolithique de Cuiry-lès-Chaudardes- I: de l’analyse de la faune à la structuration sociale, vol. 120, Rahden, Verlag Marie Leidorf, Internationale Archäologie, 549 p.
Books by Lamys Hachem
Farm, Hunt, Feast, Celebrate
Animals and Society in Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Age Northern France
Ginette Auxiette & Lamys Hachem | 2021
Building on the experience of twenty-five years of fieldwork and archaeozoological analyses carried out during research projects in various regions of northern France, this book examines animal husbandry and hunting practices over the 5000 year…