Dr. Daniel Groß

Daniel Groß is curator and research coordinator at Museum Lolland-Falster. His main field of work are wetland archaeology and Stone Age archaeology with a particular interest in human-environment interactions. In his projects he deals with artefact studies, landscape and settlement archaeology and socio-economic change through bridging humanistic and natural scientific approaches.
Daniel studied Pre- and Protohistoric Archaeology at the University of Hamburg and was awarded a PhD at Kiel University in 2014. He worked at the Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology and in the Collaborative Research Centre 1266 “Scales of Transformation” in Germany before moving to Museum Lolland-Falster, Denmark, in 2021.
Key publications
- Groß, D., 2017. Welt und Umwelt frühmesolithischer Jäger und Sammler. Mensch-Umwelt-Interaktion im Frühholozän in der nordmitteleuropäischen Tiefebene, Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum 8. Kiel: Ludwig.
- Groß, D., Lübke, H., Meadows, J., Jantzen, D. (eds.) 2019. Working at the sharp end: from bone and antler to Early Mesolithic life in Northern Europe. Untersuchungen und Materialien zur Steinzeit in Schleswig-Holstein und im Ostseeraum 10. Kiel/Hamburg: Wachholtz.
- Groß, D., Piezonka, H., Corradini, E., Schmölcke, U., Zanon, M., Dörfler, W., Dreibrodt, S., Feeser, I., Krüger, S., Lübke, H., Panning, D., Wilken, D. 2019. Adaptations and transformations of hunter-gatherers in forest environments: New archaeological and anthropological insights. The Holocene 29, 1531-1544. DOI: 10.1177/0959683619857231
- Schmölcke, U., Groß, D., Nikulina, E. 2017. Bears and Beavers – The Browns in daily life and spiritual world, in: Eriksen, B.V., Abegg-Wigg, A., Bleile, R., Ickerodt, U. (eds.). Interaktion Ohne Grenzen. Beispiele Archäologischer Forschungen Am Beginn Des 21. Jahrhunderts. Interaction without Borders. Exemplary Archaeological Research at the Beginning of the 21st Century. Kiel/Hamburg: Wachholtz, 901-917.
- Sørensen, M., Lübke, H., Groß, D. 2018. The Early Mesolithic in Southern Scandinavia and Northern Germany, in: Milner, N., Conneller, C., Taylor, B. (eds.). Star Carr, Volume 1: A Persistent Place in a Changing World. York: White Rose University Press, 305-329.
Books by Daniel Groß
Changing Identity in a Changing World
Current Studies on the Stone Age around 4000 BCE
Edited by Daniel Groß and Mikael Rothstein | 2023
From 2013-2022 the largest Stone Age excavation ever undertaken in Denmark, uncovered an entire fjord landscape beneath marine sediments at Rødbyhavn on the island of Lolland. Based on the excavations, Museum Lolland-Falster, in collaboration with…