Dr. Alexis Gorgues

Alexis Gorgues is Associate Professor in Late Prehistoric Archaeology at the University of Bordeaux Montaigne. He was previously fellow of the Casa de Velázquez (Ecole des Hautes Etudes Hispaniques et Ibériques, Madrid, 2003-2005), and Assistant Lecturer at the University of Toulouse 2- Jean Jaurès. He directed excavations in Southern France and Spain, on Late Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements as well as in potters’ workshops.
His main publications to date are (with P. Moret and J.A. Benavente Serrano) Iberos del Matarraña. Investigaciones arqueológicas en Valdeltormo, Calaceite, Cretas y La Fresneda (Teruel), (Al-Qannis, 11), Alcañiz (2006) and Economie et société dans le nord-est du domaine ibérique, (Anejos del Archivo Español de Arqueología, LII), Madrid (2010).
Books by Alexis Gorgues
Artisans versus nobility?
Multiple identities of elites and ‘commoners’ viewed through the lens of crafting from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Ages in Europe and the Mediterranean
Edited by Ann Brysbaert and Alexis Gorgues | 2017
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In prehistoric Europe hierarchic societies arose and developed technological systems and processes in the production of objects related to everyday use, on the one hand, and items of religious and symbolic character emulating prestige and…