Dr. Katharina Fuchs
Katharina Fuchs obtained her doctoral degree as a scholar of the Graduate School ‘Human Development in Landscapes’ in 2018 at Kiel University. Being an archaeologist and physical anthropologist by training, she has a strong interest in interdisciplinary research with a special focus on health and disease in past populations.
Besides working with human remains from different archaeological contexts and geographic regions, she gained experience as the scientific coordinator of the Collaborative Research Centre 1266 ‘Scales of Transformation: Socio-environmental interactions in Prehistoric and Archaic Societies’ . Recently, she joined the team of the Ancient DNA Laboratory at the Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology at Kiel University, and is research associate for Human Osteology and aDNA in the scope of the Johanna-Mestorf Academy.
Books by Katharina Fuchs
Interdisciplinary analysis of the cemetery Kudachurt 14
Evaluating indicators of social inequality, demography, oral health and diet during the Bronze Age key period 2200-1650 BCE in the Northern Caucasus
Katharina Fuchs | 2020
Representing both a barrier and a corridor between the Eurasian and Asian continents, the Caucasus has constituted the setting for various socio-economic transformations throughout prehistory. The transition from the Middle to the Late Bronze Age…