Dr. Catherine J. Frieman
Catherine J. Frieman is an Associate Professor of European archaeology at the Australian National University. Her research interests include the nature of archaeological enquiry, patterns of innovation and resistance, the role of aDNA for modelling past societies, social theory, skeuomorphism, and Neolithic and Bronze Age flint daggers. Her most recent monograph is An Archaeology of Innovation, published in 2021 by Manchester University Press.
Books by Catherine J. Frieman
Migration Narratives in Archaeology
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Migration is not just a recent, crisis-driven phenomenon, but a fundamental part of human life – and has always been so. This booklet is aimed at everyone who is interested in human migration in the…

Arkeologiske fortellinger om migrasjon
Edited by Daniela Hofmann, Catherine J. Frieman & Astrid J. Nyland | 2023
Denne boken er rettet mot alle som er interessert i menneskers migrasjon i fortiden. Men migrasjon er ikke et nytt, krise-drevet fenomen. Det er og har alltid vært en fundamental del av livet. I boken…