Kelly Fennema
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Books by Kelly Fennema
Van planten en slakken / Of Plants and Snails
A collection of papers presented to Wim Kuijper in gratitude for forty years of teaching and identifying
Edited by Corrie Bakels, Kelly Fennema, Welmoed A. Out & Caroline Vermeeren | 2010
Dit boek bevat vierentwintig wetenschappelijke artikelen over planten en mollusken, geschreven door achtendertig collega’s en oudleerlingen van Wim Kuijper. Het merendeel van deze artikelen behandelt één of enkele soorten gevonden bij archeologische opgravingen, van bolderik…

Hunters of the Golden Age
The mid upper palaeolithic of Eurosia 30,000-20,000 BP
Edited by Wil Roebroeks, Margherita Mussi, JIRI Svodoba & Kelly Fennema | 1999
The period 30,000 to 20,000 BP can be aptly called the `Golden Age’ of hunter gatherers for a variety of reasons, spelled out in great detail by the 37 contributors to this impressive volume. In…

Interfacing the past
Computer applications and quantitative methods in archaeology CAA95
Edited by Hans Kamermans & Kelly Fennema | 1996
Sixty two papers presented at the CAA conference at Leiden in 1995, grouped into six main sections: Data management; Archaeometry; Statistics and Classification; Geographic Information Systems; Visualisation; Education and Publication. Papers document projects and research…