Dr. Jana Eger

Jana Eger is an archaeologist specialized in zooarchaeological and isotopic analysis of animal remains to understand how the social coexistence of humans and non-human species contribute to the formation of communities of people and (other) animals in past societies. While pursuing a B.A. and M.A. at the Institute of Near Eastern Archaeology at the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin, she spent study visits in Rome (ERASMUS at La Sapienza) and at Cornell University in Ithaca (N.Y., US:A) with a grant from the PROMOS program. She completed her doctorate at the FU Berlin within the framework of the Berlin Graduate School of Ancient Studies (BerGSAS) in the program: Landscape Archaeology and Architecture. During her academic career she participated in various field projects, i.e., in Turkmenistan, Iran and Germany. Currently, she is working as a post-doctoral researcher in the DFG-Project ISOSIBERIA based at the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute.
Research interests: human animal studies, (social) zooarchaeology, isotope analysis, bioarcheology, social and gender archaeology
Books by Jana Eger
Mensch-Tier-Verhältnisse in Monjukli Depe
Eine Analyse des sozialen Zusammenlebens in einer neolithisch-äneolithischen Siedlung in Turkmenistan
Jana Eger | 2022
Wie gestaltete sich das soziale Zusammenleben zwischen Menschen und nichtmenschlichen Arten als eine eng verwobene Gemeinschaft in prähistorischer Zeit? In verschiedensten Disziplinen der Geistes-, Sozial- und Lebenswissenschaften werden verstärkt gesellschaftliche Grundannahmen über nichtmenschliche Arten hinterfragt.…