Dr. Gisela Eberhardt
Gisela Eberhardt is a project manager for the joint research project “The Iranian Highlands. Resiliences and Integration in Premodern Societies” at Freie Universität Berlin and an editor in the editorial department at the German Archaeological Institute’s (DAI) head office. She holds a PhD in archaeology from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and was one of the managing editors of Edition Topoi.
She is the author of the book Deutsche Ausgrabung im ‘langen’ 19. Jahrhundert. Eine problemorientierte Untersuchung zur archäologischen Praxis (2011) and of the forthcoming chapter “From Deep Holes to the Bigger Picture. A History of Methods in Archaeological Excavation” in The Oxford Handbook of the History of Archaeology as well as co-editor (with Fabian Link) of Historiographical Approaches to Past Archaeological Research (2015).
Books by Gisela Eberhardt
Coming to Terms with the Future
Concepts of Resilience for the Study of Early Iranian Societies
Edited by Reinhard Bernbeck, Gisela Eberhardt & Susan Pollock | 2023
The collection of essays in this book focuses on the highlands of Iran in pre-modern times, reaching from the Paleolithic to the medieval period. What holds the diverse contributions together is an issue that is…