N. Bouma
Niels Bouma is senior archaeologist and works as project manager at ADC ArcheoProjecten (2007 until present). He was involved in numerous developer-led projects in the Netherlands and Belgium including the Dalfsen site.
Key Publications
Bouma, N. & H.M. van der Velde (eds), 2017. Een geschiedenis van meer dan 5000 jaar begraven en wonen in Oosterdalfsen. Een archeologische opgraving in de gemeente Dalfsen, Amersfoort (ADC-monografie 25).
Van der Velde, H.M. & N. Bouma, 2018. Dalfsen. A Dutch Case Study of Involving the Community by Development-Led Archaeology, Advances in Archaeological Practice 6 (3), 187-198.
Van der Velde, H.M., N. Bouma & D.C.M. Raemaekers, 2019. A monumental burial ground from the Funnel beaker period at Oosterdalfsen (the Netherlands), Müller, J., M. Hinz & M. Wunderlich (eds), Megaliths, Societies, Landscapes: Early Monumentality and Social Differentiation in Neolithic Europe, Bonn, 319-329.
Books by N. Bouma
Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument
A TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC
Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022
In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…

Making a Neolithic non-megalithic monument - Catalogue
Catalogue of a TRB burial ground at Dalfsen (the Netherlands), c. 3000-2750 cal. BC
Edited by H.M. van der Velde, N. Bouma & Daan Raemaekers | 2022
In 2015 at Dalfsen (the Netherlands) archaeologists made an amazing discovery. They found a burial ground dating from the TRB-period (3000-2750 BC) comprising 141 burial pits. The TRB is dated in the last phase of…