Alena Bistáková
Alena Bistáková is Researcher at the Archaeological Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Nitra. Her main interests are material culture studies, settlement structures and burial rite of Neolithic and Copper Age periods in Central Europe. She has conducted archaeological fieldwork in Slovakia. She has worked on projects in Central Europe, covering the Neolithic to the Bronze Age and archaeological practices and knowledge work in the digital environment. She is part of the Vráble project since 2018.
Books by Alena Bistáková
Archaeology in the Žitava valley I
The LBK and Želiezovce settlement site of Vráble
Edited by Martin Furholt, Ivan Cheben, Johannes Müller, Alena Bistáková, Maria Wunderlich & Nils Müller-Scheeßel | 2020
The early Neolithic site of Vráble (5250-4950 cal BCE) is among the largest LBK settlement agglomerations in Central Europe, and exceptional within the southwest Slovakian area. Geophysical surveys revealed more than 300 houses, grouped into…

Archaeology in the Žitava valley II
The neolithic landscape of south-western Slovakia
Edited by Ivan Cheben, Martin Furholt, Knut Rassmann, Alena Bistakova, Maria Wunderlich & Nils Müller-Scheeßel | Forthcoming
This volume presents the second part of the results of an international research project on the Early Neolithic site of Vráble, one of the largest LBK settlement agglomerations in Central Europe, that was started in…