Dr. Sylvie Beyries
Sylvie Beyries is Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS (UMR 7264 CEPAM, France). She works on the implementation of technical processes through a combined technology and use-wear approach. She has developed ethnoarchaeological programs in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions (Canada, Siberia), particularly in the field of hide processing.
Books by Sylvie Beyries
Beyond Use-Wear Traces
Going from tools to people by means of archaeological wear and residue analyses
Edited by Sylvie Beyries, Caroline Hamon & Yolaine Maigrot | 2021
This book brings together 30 papers by leading scholars in the field of usewear and residue analysis. This publication aims to revive the debate on the role of traceology (use-wear and residues) in multidisciplinary approaches…