Dr. Adeline Bats
Adeline Bats holds a PhD in Egyptology from the University of Paris Sorbonne and is an associate researcher at the UMR 8167 Orient & Mediterranean. She has been field archaeologist of the archaeological mission of Ayn Sukhna (Ifao/UMR 8167) since 2014 and is also a member of the archaeological mission of Ouadi el-Jarf (Ifao/UMR 8167) and the Swiss-Franco-Sudanese mission of Kerma-Dukki Gel. Her PhD thesis, defended in 2019 under the direction of Pierre Tallet and Juan Carlos Moreno García, focuses on the role played by cereals in the Pharaonic society, in human and animal nutrition, and as means of payment. Along with Nadia Licitra, she founded in 2019 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan.
Books by Adeline Bats
Storage in Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Earthen architecture and building techniques
Edited by Adeline Bats & Nadia Licitra | 2023
In 2020 and 2021 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan organised two online workshops focusing on earthen storage buildings in ancient Egypt and Nubia. Following these two meetings, the nine contributions…