Dr. Andrzej T. Antczak

Andrzej T. Antczak (1956-2024) was an Associate Professor of Caribbean Archaeology at the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, the Netherlands. Since 1982, he co-directed—together with Dr. Marlena Antczak—pioneering archaeological investigations on more than 60 off-shore islands of the Venezuelan Caribbean and, since 2006, on the small islands off the eastern coast of Martinique.
His scholarly interests included the pre-colonial and early colonial archaeology of the Southeastern Caribbean, theory and method in the study of the social past, materiality, non-western ontologies, community archaeology, collection studies, archaeometry, shell middens, and historical ecology.
His books include: Los Idolos de las Islas Prometidas: Arqueología Prehispánica del Archipiélago de Los Roques (with Ma.M. Antczak), Editorial Equinoccio 2006, Los Mensajes Confiados a la Roca (also with Ma.M. Antczak), Editorial Equinoccio 2007, Early Human Impact on Megamolluscs (co-edited with R. Cipriani), Archaeopress 2008, and World Archaeoprimatology: Interconnections of Humans and Nonhuman Primates in the Past (co-edited with Bernardo Urbani and Dionisios Youlatos) Cambridge University Press 2022.
Books by Andrzej T. Antczak
Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean
Dearchaizing the Archaic
Edited by Corinne L. Hofman and Andrzej T. Antczak | 2019
Early Settlers of the Insular Caribbean: Dearchaizing the Archaic offers a comprehensive coverage of the most recent advances in interdisciplinary research on the early human settling of the Caribbean islands. It covers the time span…