George Anelay

George Anelay has been, since 2001, Director of West Sussex Archaeology Ltd, and was, from 2004 until 2012, also Heritage Outreach Officer for Chichester District Council. In both these roles he has directed a number of large-scale research excavations, including those at Middle Barn (The Selhurst Park Project: Middle Barn, Selhurstpark Farm, Eartham, West Sussex 2005–2008, Oxbow), Liss Roman Villa (2005-7), and Chichester city walls (2009-2010). He is a Member of the Chartered Institute for Archaeologists.
Books by George Anelay
Barrows at the core of Bronze Age Communities
Petersfield Heath excavations 2014–18 in their regional context
Stuart Needham & George Anelay | 2021
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities argues exactly that. Round barrows do not just represent the death side of Early Bronze Age communities placed in set-a-side ritual landscapes, but were instead central to…

Barrows at the core of Bronze Age Communities
Supplementary Material
Stuart Needham & George Anelay | 2021
Barrows at the Core of Bronze Age Communities argues exactly that. Round barrows do not just represent the death side of Early Bronze Age communities placed in set-a-side ritual landscapes, but were instead central to…