Ricci, Andrea (Dr.)

Andrea Ricci is an archaeologist specialised in the study of the prehistory of Southwestern Asia. He completed his first MA studies at La Sapienza University in Rome (Italy) and then he received a second MA degree at Durham University (UK). After completing his PhD in the framework of the Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” at Kiel University, he held a post-doctoral position at the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute. He is currently a scientific coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS at Kiel University. He has conducted field projects in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Syria.

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Rich, Sara A. (Dr)

Sara Rich is Assistant Professor of Honors at Coastal Carolina University. She is an archaeologist, art historian, artist, and author of speculative fiction. She has directed underwater archaeological campaigns on shipwrecks and submerged settlements in the Mediterranean, English Channel, and North Atlantic, and is now directing her attention to the West Atlantic.

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Richards, Colin (Prof. dr.)

Colin Richards is Professor of Archaeology at the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland. He is a leading expert on stone circles and has excavated widely on Neolithic sites in Britain as well as on Easter Island and elsewhere in the Pacific. For many years he has been researching the Neolithic period in Orkney, where he is now based. His books include Dwelling among the Monuments, Building the Great Stone Circles of the North and The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney.

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Roebroeks, Wil (Prof. dr.)

Wil Roebroeks is an expert in the field of the archaeology of early hominins, with a focus on Neanderthal studies. He has published widely on various aspects of the behaviour of extinct hominins, including their subsistence strategies, lithic technology and the environmental settings of their presence and absence in Eurasia. Roebroeks has conducted fieldwork in the Netherlands, in England , France, northeastern Russia and Germany . He is the Vice-President of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE).

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Rolland, Joëlle (Dr.)

Joëlle Rolland studied Protohistory at the University Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne, where she completed her PhD in 2017. Her research focuses on La Tène societies through the anthropological, technical and archaeometric studies of their glass production. Her methodological approach is largely based on experimental archaeology: with glassmakers, they reconstruct together the knowledge of La Tène craftspeople. By combining archaeometric and archaeological methods with technical experiments, she reconstructs the production process of beads and bracelets manufacturing from the fabrication of raw glass to transformation into ornaments.

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Romankiewicz, Tanja (Dr.-Ing.)

Tanja Romankiewicz is a Research Fellow at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD investigated the complex roundhouses of the Scottish Iron Age and was published as a monograph with British Archaeological Reports in 2011. The dissertation was jointly undertaken at the TU of Berlin and the University of Edinburgh and funded by the Cusanuswerk e.V.

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Rosetti, Ilaria (Dr.)

Ilaria Rosetti was a PhD candidate at the University of Antwerp (ARCHES research group) and visiting researcher at TUDelft (HEVA chair). Her research focuses on the role(s) that participation in heritage practices can play in achieving sustainable urban development. Her experience includes projects for public and private institutions, both in the academic and professional sphere, within fields of cultural policy, sustainable tourism, community engagement, and strategies for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Ricci, Andrea (Dr.)

Andrea Ricci is an archaeologist specialised in the study of the prehistory of Southwestern Asia. He completed his first MA studies at La Sapienza University in Rome (Italy) and then he received a second MA degree at Durham University (UK). After completing his PhD in the framework of the Graduate School “Human Development in Landscapes” at Kiel University, he held a post-doctoral position at the Eurasia Department of the German Archaeological Institute. He is currently a scientific coordinator of the Cluster of Excellence ROOTS at Kiel University. He has conducted field projects in Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Syria.

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Rich, Sara A. (Dr)

Sara Rich is Assistant Professor of Honors at Coastal Carolina University. She is an archaeologist, art historian, artist, and author of speculative fiction. She has directed underwater archaeological campaigns on shipwrecks and submerged settlements in the Mediterranean, English Channel, and North Atlantic, and is now directing her attention to the West Atlantic.

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Richards, Colin (Prof. dr.)

Colin Richards is Professor of Archaeology at the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland. He is a leading expert on stone circles and has excavated widely on Neolithic sites in Britain as well as on Easter Island and elsewhere in the Pacific. For many years he has been researching the Neolithic period in Orkney, where he is now based. His books include Dwelling among the Monuments, Building the Great Stone Circles of the North and The Development of Neolithic House Societies in Orkney.

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Roebroeks, Wil (Prof. dr.)

Wil Roebroeks is an expert in the field of the archaeology of early hominins, with a focus on Neanderthal studies. He has published widely on various aspects of the behaviour of extinct hominins, including their subsistence strategies, lithic technology and the environmental settings of their presence and absence in Eurasia. Roebroeks has conducted fieldwork in the Netherlands, in England , France, northeastern Russia and Germany . He is the Vice-President of the European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE).

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Rolland, Joëlle (Dr.)

Joëlle Rolland studied Protohistory at the University Paris 1-Panthéon Sorbonne, where she completed her PhD in 2017. Her research focuses on La Tène societies through the anthropological, technical and archaeometric studies of their glass production. Her methodological approach is largely based on experimental archaeology: with glassmakers, they reconstruct together the knowledge of La Tène craftspeople. By combining archaeometric and archaeological methods with technical experiments, she reconstructs the production process of beads and bracelets manufacturing from the fabrication of raw glass to transformation into ornaments.

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Romankiewicz, Tanja (Dr.-Ing.)

Tanja Romankiewicz is a Research Fellow at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh. Her PhD investigated the complex roundhouses of the Scottish Iron Age and was published as a monograph with British Archaeological Reports in 2011. The dissertation was jointly undertaken at the TU of Berlin and the University of Edinburgh and funded by the Cusanuswerk e.V.

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Rosetti, Ilaria (Dr.)

Ilaria Rosetti was a PhD candidate at the University of Antwerp (ARCHES research group) and visiting researcher at TUDelft (HEVA chair). Her research focuses on the role(s) that participation in heritage practices can play in achieving sustainable urban development. Her experience includes projects for public and private institutions, both in the academic and professional sphere, within fields of cultural policy, sustainable tourism, community engagement, and strategies for the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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