Ott, Konrad (Prof. Dr.)

Konrad Ott is a full professor for environmental philosophy and ethics at Kiel University. He wrote a PhD thesis on the origins and the discursive logic of scientific history. His current fields of research are environmental ethics, climate ethics, sustainability, nature conservation, discourse theory, and philosophy of history. Konrad Ott is a PI of the Reflective Turn Forum of the ROOTS Cluster of Excellence.

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Ottino-Garanger, Marie-Noelle (Dr.)

Marie-Noëlle Ottino-Garanger started to work on Fenua ‘Enata – the Marquesas islands – in 1984, joining her husband, archaeologist Pierre Ottino-Garanger, studying ethnohistory, Polynesian prehistory and the settlement of valleys, social organisation and culture. In 1996 she received her PhD in Prehistory, Ethnology and Anthropology at Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her aim was to contribute to the understanding of Marquesan culture in its wide acception: cultural as well as environmental.

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Out, Welmoed A. (Dr.)

After studying Biology, Welmoed Out completed a thesis in Archaeology about plant exploitation and the introduction of arable farming in Dutch wetlands during 5500-3400 cal BC. She gained further experience in Archaeobotany in both academic and commercial settings. During 2011-213, she works as a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher in Archaeobotany on the identification of non-dietary cereal products by phytolith analysis.

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Paar, Edwin (Drs.)

Edwin Paar is werkzaam bij een offshore bedrijf. Hij is voorzitter van de Commissie Overzeese Vestingwerken en doet onderzoek naar de Nederlandse invloeden in de 17de eeuwse vestingbouw in Portugal.

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Paardekooper, Roeland (Dr.)

Paardekooper is cofounder and current director of EXARC, an organisation affiliated to the International Museum Federation ICOM. EXARC’s themes are archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology and interpretation. EXARC and counts 200 members in over 30 countries by end 2013.

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Pailler, Yvan (Dr.)

Yvan Pailler defended his PhD in 2004 at the University of Western Brittany (UBO, Brest) on the theme of the emergence of Neolithic in Brittany by interrogating especially polished stone objects. He has directed many archaeological operations (excavations, diagnoses and surveys); he is also involved in several research programs (PCR Bronze in Brittany, ANR Jade 2, etc.).

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Parcero-Oubiña, César (Dr.)

César Parcero-Oubiña (Santiago de Compostela, 1969; PhD, 2001, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain). Staff Scientist at the Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Institute of Heritage Sciences) (Incipit), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council) (CSIC) in Spain. Before joining the Incipit, he developed his career at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

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Ott, Konrad (Prof. Dr.)

Konrad Ott is a full professor for environmental philosophy and ethics at Kiel University. He wrote a PhD thesis on the origins and the discursive logic of scientific history. His current fields of research are environmental ethics, climate ethics, sustainability, nature conservation, discourse theory, and philosophy of history. Konrad Ott is a PI of the Reflective Turn Forum of the ROOTS Cluster of Excellence.

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Ottino-Garanger, Marie-Noelle (Dr.)

Marie-Noëlle Ottino-Garanger started to work on Fenua ‘Enata – the Marquesas islands – in 1984, joining her husband, archaeologist Pierre Ottino-Garanger, studying ethnohistory, Polynesian prehistory and the settlement of valleys, social organisation and culture. In 1996 she received her PhD in Prehistory, Ethnology and Anthropology at Paris Panthéon-Sorbonne. Her aim was to contribute to the understanding of Marquesan culture in its wide acception: cultural as well as environmental.

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Out, Welmoed A. (Dr.)

After studying Biology, Welmoed Out completed a thesis in Archaeology about plant exploitation and the introduction of arable farming in Dutch wetlands during 5500-3400 cal BC. She gained further experience in Archaeobotany in both academic and commercial settings. During 2011-213, she works as a Marie Curie postdoctoral researcher in Archaeobotany on the identification of non-dietary cereal products by phytolith analysis.

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Paar, Edwin (Drs.)

Edwin Paar is werkzaam bij een offshore bedrijf. Hij is voorzitter van de Commissie Overzeese Vestingwerken en doet onderzoek naar de Nederlandse invloeden in de 17de eeuwse vestingbouw in Portugal.

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Paardekooper, Roeland (Dr.)

Paardekooper is cofounder and current director of EXARC, an organisation affiliated to the International Museum Federation ICOM. EXARC’s themes are archaeological open-air museums, experimental archaeology, ancient technology and interpretation. EXARC and counts 200 members in over 30 countries by end 2013.

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Pailler, Yvan (Dr.)

Yvan Pailler defended his PhD in 2004 at the University of Western Brittany (UBO, Brest) on the theme of the emergence of Neolithic in Brittany by interrogating especially polished stone objects. He has directed many archaeological operations (excavations, diagnoses and surveys); he is also involved in several research programs (PCR Bronze in Brittany, ANR Jade 2, etc.).

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Parcero-Oubiña, César (Dr.)

César Parcero-Oubiña (Santiago de Compostela, 1969; PhD, 2001, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain). Staff Scientist at the Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Institute of Heritage Sciences) (Incipit), Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spanish National Research Council) (CSIC) in Spain. Before joining the Incipit, he developed his career at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

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