Mutri, Giuseppina (Dr.)

Giuseppina Mutri is currently Post Doc Fellow at the Cyprus Institute, where she is in charge of the study of dental calculus from different periods. Her previous research background is focused on lithic technology and use-wear. Her experience on North African Prehistory began with her graduate dissertation on the lithic technology of the Upper Later Stone Age of Jebel Gharbi (Libya), where she also conducted extensive surveys for her PhD, working on the sourcing and characterization of lithic raw material for the same period.

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Müller-Scheeßel, Nils

Nils Müller-Scheeßel is Scientific Editor and Lecturer at Kiel University. He has worked on several projects in central and south-eastern Europe, covering the Neolithic to the Iron Age, and joined the Vráble project in 2016. His particular interests include the means and meaning of the disposal of the dead, landscape archaeology, the possibilities of remote sensing, as well as quantitative methods.

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Nakoinz, Oliver (Prof. Dr.)

Oliver Nakoinz is a lecturer at Kiel University. He obtained his PhD in 2004 with “Studien zur räumlichen Abgrenzung und Strukturierung der älteren Hunsrück-Eifel-Kultur” and his habilitation in 2010 with “Archäologische Kulturgeographie der ältereisenzeitlichen Zentralorte Südwestdeutschlands”. His work is focused on quantitative archaeology, landscape archaeology and interaction and connectivity, in particular in the Iron Age. Furthermore, he is dedicated to the idea of interdisciplinary integration and integrating theory and method.

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Nanoglou, Stratos (Dr.)

Stratos Nanoglou is an archaeologist at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella, Hellenic Ministry of Culture. He holds a PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and has taught courses on archaeology and anthropology at the University of Thessaly, Greece, and Stanford University (CA). He directs and co-directs archaeological projects in Central Macedonia, Greece. His interests focus on practices of inhabitation and representation in prehistory with a special focus on how these practices enabled and governed the production of people and other beings in the past.

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Nazou, Margarita (Dr.)

Margarita Nazou is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Historical Studies of the National Hellenic Research Foundation. She holds a PhD in Aegean Archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London and has worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Belgium (Ghent University and Université Catholique de Louvain) and Germany (Bochum University). She has worked as a ceramic specialist studying prehistoric pottery in several survey projects in Attica (Thorikos and Porto Rafti), the borders of Attica and Boeotia (Mazi) and the Greek islands (Kea and Knossos). She has published three peer-review articles in Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures and Pharos, the Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens and several collective book chapters on the pottery from Thorikos.

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Needham, Stuart (Dr.)

Stuart Needham, formerly curator of the European Bronze Age at The British Museum, is now an independent researcher and Honorary Research Fellow of Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales. Amongst his recent publications are Encompassing the sea: ‘Maritories’ and Bronze Age maritime interactions (in Bronze Age Connections: Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, Oxbow), Claimed by the Sea: Salcombe, Langdon Bay and other marine finds of the Bronze Age (Council for British Archaeology, Research Report 173), The lost cultures of the halberd-bearers (in Celtic from the West 3, Oxbow).

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Nicolas, Clément (Dr.)

Clément Nicolas is a postdoctoral researcher at the laboratory UMR 8215 Trajectoires (Nanterre, France). His researches focus on the first metalworking societies during the IIIrd and the IInd millennia BCE in Europe.

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Mutri, Giuseppina (Dr.)

Giuseppina Mutri is currently Post Doc Fellow at the Cyprus Institute, where she is in charge of the study of dental calculus from different periods. Her previous research background is focused on lithic technology and use-wear. Her experience on North African Prehistory began with her graduate dissertation on the lithic technology of the Upper Later Stone Age of Jebel Gharbi (Libya), where she also conducted extensive surveys for her PhD, working on the sourcing and characterization of lithic raw material for the same period.

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Müller-Scheeßel, Nils

Nils Müller-Scheeßel is Scientific Editor and Lecturer at Kiel University. He has worked on several projects in central and south-eastern Europe, covering the Neolithic to the Iron Age, and joined the Vráble project in 2016. His particular interests include the means and meaning of the disposal of the dead, landscape archaeology, the possibilities of remote sensing, as well as quantitative methods.

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Nakoinz, Oliver (Prof. Dr.)

Oliver Nakoinz is a lecturer at Kiel University. He obtained his PhD in 2004 with “Studien zur räumlichen Abgrenzung und Strukturierung der älteren Hunsrück-Eifel-Kultur” and his habilitation in 2010 with “Archäologische Kulturgeographie der ältereisenzeitlichen Zentralorte Südwestdeutschlands”. His work is focused on quantitative archaeology, landscape archaeology and interaction and connectivity, in particular in the Iron Age. Furthermore, he is dedicated to the idea of interdisciplinary integration and integrating theory and method.

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Nanoglou, Stratos (Dr.)

Stratos Nanoglou is an archaeologist at the Ephorate of Antiquities of Pella, Hellenic Ministry of Culture. He holds a PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece and has taught courses on archaeology and anthropology at the University of Thessaly, Greece, and Stanford University (CA). He directs and co-directs archaeological projects in Central Macedonia, Greece. His interests focus on practices of inhabitation and representation in prehistory with a special focus on how these practices enabled and governed the production of people and other beings in the past.

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Nazou, Margarita (Dr.)

Margarita Nazou is a post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Historical Studies of the National Hellenic Research Foundation. She holds a PhD in Aegean Archaeology from the Institute of Archaeology, University College London and has worked as a post-doctoral researcher in Belgium (Ghent University and Université Catholique de Louvain) and Germany (Bochum University). She has worked as a ceramic specialist studying prehistoric pottery in several survey projects in Attica (Thorikos and Porto Rafti), the borders of Attica and Boeotia (Mazi) and the Greek islands (Kea and Knossos). She has published three peer-review articles in Shima: The International Journal of Research into Island Cultures and Pharos, the Journal of the Netherlands Institute at Athens and several collective book chapters on the pottery from Thorikos.

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Needham, Stuart (Dr.)

Stuart Needham, formerly curator of the European Bronze Age at The British Museum, is now an independent researcher and Honorary Research Fellow of Amgueddfa Cymru-National Museum Wales. Amongst his recent publications are Encompassing the sea: ‘Maritories’ and Bronze Age maritime interactions (in Bronze Age Connections: Cultural Contact in Prehistoric Europe, Oxbow), Claimed by the Sea: Salcombe, Langdon Bay and other marine finds of the Bronze Age (Council for British Archaeology, Research Report 173), The lost cultures of the halberd-bearers (in Celtic from the West 3, Oxbow).

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Nicolas, Clément (Dr.)

Clément Nicolas is a postdoctoral researcher at the laboratory UMR 8215 Trajectoires (Nanterre, France). His researches focus on the first metalworking societies during the IIIrd and the IInd millennia BCE in Europe.

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