Baan, Vivian MA (MA)

Vivian Baan studied Classics (Latin and ancient Greek languages and cultures) in Leiden. In her Master Classics and Ancient Civilisations she focused on museology, epigraphy and social history. She is now working at the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, as an editor and executive assistant to the director.

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Bakels, Corrie (Prof. dr.)

Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels has held the chair in palaeoeconomy at Leiden University, the Netherlands, since 1988. Her specialisations are prehistoric and early historic agriculture, archaeobotany and vegetation history. She graduated in 1978 on an analysis of early farming societies in the Netherlands and Bavaria, Germany. Since then she has participated in many archaeological projects in Western Continental Europe. A synthesis of her work on the agrarian history of the Western European loess belt, 5300 BC – AD 1000 has appeared in 2009.

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Bakker, Jan Albert (Dr.)

Dr. Jan Albert Bakker (1935), is a former senior lecturer in Prehistoric Archaeology of Northwestern Europe at the University of Amsterdam, at the former Institute for Prae- and Protohistory (IPP), which is now part of the Amsterdam Archaeological Centre (AAC).

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Balkowski, Nadia (Dr. )

Nadia Balkowski works as a scientific consultant at the LVR office for preservation and care of field monuments. As part of a DFG-funded project, she gained her PhD at the University of Cologne with a study on settlement organization, mobility and woodworking of the Linear Pottery Culture site at Arnoldsweiler (in prep.). In 2019 she received a travel grant from the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute. In addition to the Archaeology of the Rhineland, she is particularly concerned with the Linear Pottery Culture period and the Neolithic period in Europe in general.

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Ball, Eugene (Drs.)

Eugene Ball is currently head of the archaeology and building history department of BAAC (Bouwhistorie, Archeologie, Architectuurhistorie en Cultuurhistorie). He studied prehistoric archaeology at Leiden University and graduated in 1999. He has mainly worked in development-led archaeology at various companies and the municipality of Nijmegen, both as a field archaeologist, pottery specialist and project manager.

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Bar-Yosef, Ofer (Prof. Dr.)

Ofer Bar-Yosef was an Israeli archaeologist and Mac Curdy Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University. In his early days, he was Professor of Prehistory at the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, before moving to the USA in 1980 for a long career at Harvard University. He was a member of several organizations, among them the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.

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Bats, Adeline (Dr.)

Adeline Bats holds a PhD in Egyptology from the University of Paris Sorbonne and is an associate researcher at the UMR 8167 Orient & Mediterranean. She has been field archaeologist of the archaeological mission of Ayn Sukhna (Ifao/UMR 8167) since 2014 and is also a member of the archaeological mission of Ouadi el-Jarf (Ifao/UMR 8167) and the Swiss-Franco-Sudanese mission of Kerma-Dukki Gel. Her PhD thesis, defended in 2019 under the direction of Pierre Tallet and Juan Carlos Moreno García, focuses on the role played by cereals in the Pharaonic society, in human and animal nutrition, and as means of payment. Along with Nadia Licitra, she founded in 2019 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan.

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Baan, Vivian MA (MA)

Vivian Baan studied Classics (Latin and ancient Greek languages and cultures) in Leiden. In her Master Classics and Ancient Civilisations she focused on museology, epigraphy and social history. She is now working at the National Museum of Antiquities, Leiden, as an editor and executive assistant to the director.

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Bakels, Corrie (Prof. dr.)

Prof. Dr. Corrie Bakels has held the chair in palaeoeconomy at Leiden University, the Netherlands, since 1988. Her specialisations are prehistoric and early historic agriculture, archaeobotany and vegetation history. She graduated in 1978 on an analysis of early farming societies in the Netherlands and Bavaria, Germany. Since then she has participated in many archaeological projects in Western Continental Europe. A synthesis of her work on the agrarian history of the Western European loess belt, 5300 BC – AD 1000 has appeared in 2009.

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Bakker, Jan Albert (Dr.)

Dr. Jan Albert Bakker (1935), is a former senior lecturer in Prehistoric Archaeology of Northwestern Europe at the University of Amsterdam, at the former Institute for Prae- and Protohistory (IPP), which is now part of the Amsterdam Archaeological Centre (AAC).

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Balkowski, Nadia (Dr. )

Nadia Balkowski works as a scientific consultant at the LVR office for preservation and care of field monuments. As part of a DFG-funded project, she gained her PhD at the University of Cologne with a study on settlement organization, mobility and woodworking of the Linear Pottery Culture site at Arnoldsweiler (in prep.). In 2019 she received a travel grant from the Roman-Germanic Commission of the German Archaeological Institute. In addition to the Archaeology of the Rhineland, she is particularly concerned with the Linear Pottery Culture period and the Neolithic period in Europe in general.

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Ball, Eugene (Drs.)

Eugene Ball is currently head of the archaeology and building history department of BAAC (Bouwhistorie, Archeologie, Architectuurhistorie en Cultuurhistorie). He studied prehistoric archaeology at Leiden University and graduated in 1999. He has mainly worked in development-led archaeology at various companies and the municipality of Nijmegen, both as a field archaeologist, pottery specialist and project manager.

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Bar-Yosef, Ofer (Prof. Dr.)

Ofer Bar-Yosef was an Israeli archaeologist and Mac Curdy Professor of Prehistoric Archaeology in the Department of Anthropology at Harvard University. In his early days, he was Professor of Prehistory at the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, before moving to the USA in 1980 for a long career at Harvard University. He was a member of several organizations, among them the National Academy of Sciences of the USA.

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Bats, Adeline (Dr.)

Adeline Bats holds a PhD in Egyptology from the University of Paris Sorbonne and is an associate researcher at the UMR 8167 Orient & Mediterranean. She has been field archaeologist of the archaeological mission of Ayn Sukhna (Ifao/UMR 8167) since 2014 and is also a member of the archaeological mission of Ouadi el-Jarf (Ifao/UMR 8167) and the Swiss-Franco-Sudanese mission of Kerma-Dukki Gel. Her PhD thesis, defended in 2019 under the direction of Pierre Tallet and Juan Carlos Moreno García, focuses on the role played by cereals in the Pharaonic society, in human and animal nutrition, and as means of payment. Along with Nadia Licitra, she founded in 2019 the Research Group on Storage in Ancient Egypt and Sudan.

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