Jinadasa, Uditha (Dr)

Uditha Jinadasa is a lecturer attached to the Department of Archaeology (Faculty of Arts) in University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Uditha obtained her PhD from Leiden University in 2020 defending the thesis “Changes in the Cultural Landscape and their Impacts on Heritage Management: A Study of Dutch Fort at Galle, Sri Lanka.” She has a bachelor’s degree in archaeology and a master’s degree in Geo-Informatics, both obtained from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

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Jok, Kuel Maluil (Dr.)

Kuel Jok is a researcher at the Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki. In Sudan, Jok obtained a degree in English Linguistics and Literature, and diplomas in Philosophy and Translation. He also studied International Law in Egypt. In Europe, Jok acquired an MA in Sociology from the University of Joensuu, Finland and a PhD in the same field from the University of Helsinki, Finland.

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Jones, Andy BA, PhD, MIfA, FSA (Dr. BA, PhD, MIfA, FSA)

Andy Jones, BA, PhD, MIfA, FSA, is Archaeologist Team Leader with Cornwall Archaeological Unit. His PhD at Exeter University was focused on the earlier Bronze Age ceremonial monuments and barrow complexes in Cornwall and South West Britain. His research interests include the Neolithic, Bronze Age periods, as well as the archaeology of the uplands and coastal areas of western Britain. He is also interested in the regional variation between communities in prehistory.

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Jungfleisch, Johannes MA (MA)

Johannes Jungfleisch has been employed as research assistant at the Ruhr-University Bochum since 2012. He studied Classical Archaeology and West Asiatic Archaeology at the University of Freiburg. Currently, he is in the final stages of his PhD-project at Free University of Berlin, in which he examines the large-scale simulations of architecture of the wall paintings from ‘Palace G’ at Tell el-Dab’a and their reception in the local Egyptian context. As an archaeologist, he has worked in Greece, Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt.

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Kadrow, Sławomir (Prof. Dr.)

Sławomir Kadrow’s main research interests lie in prehistoric Central Europe. Currently he leads the project Great culture transformation in microregional perspective. Trends of changes inside Danubian farmers in SE Poland. Previously he worked at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków and at present at the Rzeszów University. He was a Fellow of the Humboldt Foundation at Berlin University (FU), afterwards at Bamberg University and in 2017 Mercator Fellow of the CRC 1266 ‘Scales of Transformation’ at Kiel University.

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Kahlow, Simone (Dr.)

Simone Kahlow studied archaeology at Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. At an early stage she specialized in medical archaeology and burial archaeology in both the Middle Ages and Post-Medieval Period, and has been dealing with these topics for nearly 20 years. Her PhD-Thesis, supported by the German Research Foundation and defended in April 2014, aimed at gaining a better understanding of the development of care institutions based on building constructions, small finds, as well as human and animal bones.

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Kaiser, Jessica

Jessica Kaiser is a visiting researcher and lecturer at the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of California Berkeley and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Saint Mary’s College of California. She holds an MA in biological anthropology from the University of Stockholm, Sweden, with minors in Classics and Egyptology from Uppsala University (2006) and a PhD in Egyptian Archaeology and Bioarchaeology from University of California Berkeley (2018).

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Jinadasa, Uditha (Dr)

Uditha Jinadasa is a lecturer attached to the Department of Archaeology (Faculty of Arts) in University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. Uditha obtained her PhD from Leiden University in 2020 defending the thesis “Changes in the Cultural Landscape and their Impacts on Heritage Management: A Study of Dutch Fort at Galle, Sri Lanka.” She has a bachelor’s degree in archaeology and a master’s degree in Geo-Informatics, both obtained from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka.

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Jok, Kuel Maluil (Dr.)

Kuel Jok is a researcher at the Department of World Cultures, University of Helsinki. In Sudan, Jok obtained a degree in English Linguistics and Literature, and diplomas in Philosophy and Translation. He also studied International Law in Egypt. In Europe, Jok acquired an MA in Sociology from the University of Joensuu, Finland and a PhD in the same field from the University of Helsinki, Finland.

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Jones, Andy BA, PhD, MIfA, FSA (Dr. BA, PhD, MIfA, FSA)

Andy Jones, BA, PhD, MIfA, FSA, is Archaeologist Team Leader with Cornwall Archaeological Unit. His PhD at Exeter University was focused on the earlier Bronze Age ceremonial monuments and barrow complexes in Cornwall and South West Britain. His research interests include the Neolithic, Bronze Age periods, as well as the archaeology of the uplands and coastal areas of western Britain. He is also interested in the regional variation between communities in prehistory.

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Jungfleisch, Johannes MA (MA)

Johannes Jungfleisch has been employed as research assistant at the Ruhr-University Bochum since 2012. He studied Classical Archaeology and West Asiatic Archaeology at the University of Freiburg. Currently, he is in the final stages of his PhD-project at Free University of Berlin, in which he examines the large-scale simulations of architecture of the wall paintings from ‘Palace G’ at Tell el-Dab’a and their reception in the local Egyptian context. As an archaeologist, he has worked in Greece, Turkey, Lebanon and Egypt.

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Kadrow, Sławomir (Prof. Dr.)

Sławomir Kadrow’s main research interests lie in prehistoric Central Europe. Currently he leads the project Great culture transformation in microregional perspective. Trends of changes inside Danubian farmers in SE Poland. Previously he worked at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Kraków and at present at the Rzeszów University. He was a Fellow of the Humboldt Foundation at Berlin University (FU), afterwards at Bamberg University and in 2017 Mercator Fellow of the CRC 1266 ‘Scales of Transformation’ at Kiel University.

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Kahlow, Simone (Dr.)

Simone Kahlow studied archaeology at Freie Universität and Humboldt-Universität in Berlin. At an early stage she specialized in medical archaeology and burial archaeology in both the Middle Ages and Post-Medieval Period, and has been dealing with these topics for nearly 20 years. Her PhD-Thesis, supported by the German Research Foundation and defended in April 2014, aimed at gaining a better understanding of the development of care institutions based on building constructions, small finds, as well as human and animal bones.

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Kaiser, Jessica

Jessica Kaiser is a visiting researcher and lecturer at the Department of Near Eastern Studies at the University of California Berkeley and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Saint Mary’s College of California. She holds an MA in biological anthropology from the University of Stockholm, Sweden, with minors in Classics and Egyptology from Uppsala University (2006) and a PhD in Egyptian Archaeology and Bioarchaeology from University of California Berkeley (2018).

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