Hovens, Pieter (Dr.)

Pieter Hovens (1951) is currently Curator North America at the Dutch National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden. He studied cultural anthropology at Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and North American Indian Studies at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada).

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Huiskes, Bert (Drs.)

After a period of teaching Bert Huiskes (1952) switched to the study of prehistory. He worked independently in the field where archeology and education meet and was employed as a curator/director in several museums on Vlieland, in Veenendaal and nowadays in Rhenen.

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Hulsman, Lodewijk (Dr.)

Lodewijk Hulsman is a researcher affiliated to the University of Amsterdam where he defended his PhD study on Amerindian and European trade connections in Dutch Amazonia in 2009. He has published several articles on the Amerindians in Dutch Amazonia based on non-published original source material retrieved from archives in the Netherlands. Hulsman is currently engaged in the research project Atlas Dutch Brazil of the New Holland Foundation and the Atlas Mutual Heritage. He is also affiliated to the Núcleo de Pesquisas Eleitorais e Políticas da Amazônia of the Universidade Federal de Roraima.

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Hupperetz, Wim (Prof. dr.)

Wim Hupperetz is a heritage professional in the field of museology, archaeology, cultural landscapes and built heritage, focused on adding value through digital media and a multidisciplinary approach. He is currently extraordinary professor of Museums, Heritage and Digital Curation at the University of Amsterdam.

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Hurcombe, Linda (Dr.)

Linda Hurcombe is a leading figure in experimental archaeology and set up the distinctive MA in Experimental Archaeology programme at the University of Exeter where she has served as Head of the Department of Archaeology.

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Hut, Margreet, van der, (Drs.)

Margreet van der Hut is kunsthistorica. Zij schreef negen artikelen over het leven en werk van Barend Graat. In twee artikelen wordt Graats betrokkenheid bij de toneelwereld in het zeventiende-eeuwse Amsterdam besproken. Twee andere artikelen gaan over de gepubliceerde gedichten op zijn decoratiewerk.

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Iacono, Francesco (Dr.)

Francesco Iacono is Senior Assistant Professor in Prehistory at the Department of History, Cultures and Civilisations at the University of Bologna. His research interests range from prehistory and archeology of the Mediterranean (with particular attention to the Bronze Age), to social theory (in particular Marxist archeology) to the use of applications based on graph-theory, to cultural heritage studies, and, finally, the history of the archaeological thought.

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Hovens, Pieter (Dr.)

Pieter Hovens (1951) is currently Curator North America at the Dutch National Museum of Ethnology in Leiden. He studied cultural anthropology at Radboud University (Nijmegen, the Netherlands) and North American Indian Studies at the University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada).

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Huiskes, Bert (Drs.)

After a period of teaching Bert Huiskes (1952) switched to the study of prehistory. He worked independently in the field where archeology and education meet and was employed as a curator/director in several museums on Vlieland, in Veenendaal and nowadays in Rhenen.

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Hulsman, Lodewijk (Dr.)

Lodewijk Hulsman is a researcher affiliated to the University of Amsterdam where he defended his PhD study on Amerindian and European trade connections in Dutch Amazonia in 2009. He has published several articles on the Amerindians in Dutch Amazonia based on non-published original source material retrieved from archives in the Netherlands. Hulsman is currently engaged in the research project Atlas Dutch Brazil of the New Holland Foundation and the Atlas Mutual Heritage. He is also affiliated to the Núcleo de Pesquisas Eleitorais e Políticas da Amazônia of the Universidade Federal de Roraima.

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Hupperetz, Wim (Prof. dr.)

Wim Hupperetz is a heritage professional in the field of museology, archaeology, cultural landscapes and built heritage, focused on adding value through digital media and a multidisciplinary approach. He is currently extraordinary professor of Museums, Heritage and Digital Curation at the University of Amsterdam.

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Hurcombe, Linda (Dr.)

Linda Hurcombe is a leading figure in experimental archaeology and set up the distinctive MA in Experimental Archaeology programme at the University of Exeter where she has served as Head of the Department of Archaeology.

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Hut, Margreet, van der, (Drs.)

Margreet van der Hut is kunsthistorica. Zij schreef negen artikelen over het leven en werk van Barend Graat. In twee artikelen wordt Graats betrokkenheid bij de toneelwereld in het zeventiende-eeuwse Amsterdam besproken. Twee andere artikelen gaan over de gepubliceerde gedichten op zijn decoratiewerk.

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Iacono, Francesco (Dr.)

Francesco Iacono is Senior Assistant Professor in Prehistory at the Department of History, Cultures and Civilisations at the University of Bologna. His research interests range from prehistory and archeology of the Mediterranean (with particular attention to the Bronze Age), to social theory (in particular Marxist archeology) to the use of applications based on graph-theory, to cultural heritage studies, and, finally, the history of the archaeological thought.

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