Grøn, Ole (Dr.)

Ole Grøn is a researcher at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen. He has a wide experience in the field of maritime archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and landscape archaeology. He is particularly focussed on the archaeology of Stone Age hunter-gatherers, and has conducted extensive ethnoarchaeological research among the Siberian Evenk. Next to the development of insights into hunter-gatherer lifeways, he has a keen interest in the methodological issues in the detection of hunter-gatherer settlement remains and the representation of hunter-gatherers based on the flawed archaeological record. Currently he is concerned with the development of acoustic survey methods for underwater archaeology, with an emphasis on submerged Stone Age sites.

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Gutiérrez Garcia-M., Anna (Dr.)

Anna Gutiérrez Garcia-M. received an MA in Lithic and Ceramic Analysis for Archaeologists (University of Southampton), and a PhD in Archaeology (Autonomous University of Barcelona-UAB). She developed her research at the Laboratory for the Study of Stones in Antiquity (LEMLA) at UAB, before being head of the Archaeometric Studies Unit at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (Tarragona, Spain) and being Chaire Junior LaScArBx at IRAMAT-CRP2A (UMR 5060 CNRS-Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, France).

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Hachem, Lamys (Dr.)

Lamys Hachem graduated with a Ph.D. in archelogy from the Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne where she also has been teaching for several years. She is currently a senior researcher in archeozoology and pre-history at the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), the largest French center for archaeological research and one of the largest in Europe.

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Hafner, Albert (Prof. Dr.)

Albert Hafner holds a full professorship in Prehistoric Archaeology and is member of the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) at the University of Bern, Switzerland. His research interests include Holocene human-environment relationships, social developments and elites, burial rites, underwater archaeology and alpine archaeology. Main ongoing research projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Research Council are related to lake-side settlements in the Alpine Space and the Balkans.

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Hahn-Weishaupt, Andrea

Andrea Hahn-Weishaupt studied prehistoric archaeology and human anthropology in Freiburg i.Br. and Tübingen. Since 1997, she has been running a successful archaeological excavation company in tandem with her husband, and in the interim, her daughter joined them as well. The company specialises in an extensive spectrum of archaeological pursuits, encompassing historical cemeteries, medieval village and town centres, prehistoric sites, and tangible remnants of the Nazi terror regime. Since 1998, she has been leading large-scale field inspections in the Uckermark, Brandenburg, as part of a job creation measure. In 2010, Andrea Hahn-Weishaupt joined the Archäologische Gesellschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg as a board member.

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Halbertsma, Ruurd Binnert (Prof. Dr.)

Ruurd Binnert Halbertsma (1958) is curator in the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, professor at the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London.

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Hamon, Caroline (Dr.)

Caroline Hamon is a permanent researcher at the CNRS (UMR 8215 Trajectoires, France). She is specialized in the economies and subsistence strategies of the period spanning from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze age. Through a multidisciplinary approach (technology, use-wear analysis, anthropology of techniques), her work focuses on the economic and symbolic functions of querns and macrolithic tools in the dietary practices, craft production and exploitation of mineral resources. She has worked in different areas, from north-western Europe, to the western Mediterranean and the Caucasus.

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Grøn, Ole (Dr.)

Ole Grøn is a researcher at the Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen. He has a wide experience in the field of maritime archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, and landscape archaeology. He is particularly focussed on the archaeology of Stone Age hunter-gatherers, and has conducted extensive ethnoarchaeological research among the Siberian Evenk. Next to the development of insights into hunter-gatherer lifeways, he has a keen interest in the methodological issues in the detection of hunter-gatherer settlement remains and the representation of hunter-gatherers based on the flawed archaeological record. Currently he is concerned with the development of acoustic survey methods for underwater archaeology, with an emphasis on submerged Stone Age sites.

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Gutiérrez Garcia-M., Anna (Dr.)

Anna Gutiérrez Garcia-M. received an MA in Lithic and Ceramic Analysis for Archaeologists (University of Southampton), and a PhD in Archaeology (Autonomous University of Barcelona-UAB). She developed her research at the Laboratory for the Study of Stones in Antiquity (LEMLA) at UAB, before being head of the Archaeometric Studies Unit at the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (Tarragona, Spain) and being Chaire Junior LaScArBx at IRAMAT-CRP2A (UMR 5060 CNRS-Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, France).

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Hachem, Lamys (Dr.)

Lamys Hachem graduated with a Ph.D. in archelogy from the Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne where she also has been teaching for several years. She is currently a senior researcher in archeozoology and pre-history at the French National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research (INRAP), the largest French center for archaeological research and one of the largest in Europe.

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Hafner, Albert (Prof. Dr.)

Albert Hafner holds a full professorship in Prehistoric Archaeology and is member of the Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research (OCCR) at the University of Bern, Switzerland. His research interests include Holocene human-environment relationships, social developments and elites, burial rites, underwater archaeology and alpine archaeology. Main ongoing research projects funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the European Research Council are related to lake-side settlements in the Alpine Space and the Balkans.

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Hahn-Weishaupt, Andrea

Andrea Hahn-Weishaupt studied prehistoric archaeology and human anthropology in Freiburg i.Br. and Tübingen. Since 1997, she has been running a successful archaeological excavation company in tandem with her husband, and in the interim, her daughter joined them as well. The company specialises in an extensive spectrum of archaeological pursuits, encompassing historical cemeteries, medieval village and town centres, prehistoric sites, and tangible remnants of the Nazi terror regime. Since 1998, she has been leading large-scale field inspections in the Uckermark, Brandenburg, as part of a job creation measure. In 2010, Andrea Hahn-Weishaupt joined the Archäologische Gesellschaft in Berlin und Brandenburg as a board member.

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Halbertsma, Ruurd Binnert (Prof. Dr.)

Ruurd Binnert Halbertsma (1958) is curator in the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, professor at the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University and Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London.

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Hamon, Caroline (Dr.)

Caroline Hamon is a permanent researcher at the CNRS (UMR 8215 Trajectoires, France). She is specialized in the economies and subsistence strategies of the period spanning from the Neolithic to the Early Bronze age. Through a multidisciplinary approach (technology, use-wear analysis, anthropology of techniques), her work focuses on the economic and symbolic functions of querns and macrolithic tools in the dietary practices, craft production and exploitation of mineral resources. She has worked in different areas, from north-western Europe, to the western Mediterranean and the Caucasus.

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